mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 20:13:21 +02:00
Correct non-module paths (#10)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 243 additions and 133 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,236 @@
automerge: false
automerge: false
labels: aireos cisco networking
maintainers: $team_aruba
labels: aruba networking
maintainers: paulquack
labels: ironware networking
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking onyx_config
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking sros
notify: chris-short
maintainers: $team_macos
labels: macos say
keywords: brew cask darwin homebrew macosx macports osx
maintainers: ysn2233
labels: stderr
maintainers: ryancurrah
labels: sumologic
maintainers: akatch
labels: unixy
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_aruba
labels: aruba networking
maintainers: $team_huawei
labels: ce cloudengine huawei networking
maintainers: f-bor
labels: edgeswitch networking
maintainers: $team_networking itercheng
labels: eric_eccli networking
maintainers: $team_extreme rdvencioneck
labels: exos networking
maintainers: paulquack
labels: ironware networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking nos
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking onyx
maintainers: heuels
labels: networking routeros
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking slxos
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking voss
maintainers: $team_docker
labels: cloud docker
ignore: cove
supershipit: felixfontein
maintainers: chouseknecht fabianvf flaper87 maxamillion
labels: k8s kubectl
maintainers: mattclay
labels: lxd
maintainers: chouseknecht fabianvf flaper87 maxamillion
labels: oc
labels: saltstack
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
maintainers: $team_docker
labels: cloud docker
ignore: cove
supershipit: felixfontein
maintainers: $team_google
labels: gcp
supershipit: erjohnso rambleraptor
maintainers: farhan7500 gautamphegde
labels: hpe3par
maintainers: $team_huawei
labels: hwc
maintainers: $team_mysql
labels: database mysql
keywords: mariadb proxysql
maintainers: $team_postgresql
labels: postgres postgresql
keywords: database postgres postgresql
maintainers: $team_mysql
labels: database mysql proxysql
keywords: mariadb proxysql
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud vultr
maintainers: bvitnik
labels: xenserver
maintainers: $team_networking LindsayHill bigmstone ujwalkomarla
labels: exos networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_networking annikulin
labels: cisco ftd networking
keywords: firepower ftd
maintainers: $team_docker
labels: cloud docker
ignore: cove
supershipit: felixfontein
maintainers: $team_docker morph027
labels: cloud docker docker_swarm
ignore: cove
supershipit: felixfontein
maintainers: $team_linode
labels: cloud linode
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: $team_scaleway
labels: cloud scaleway
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud vultr
maintainers: samdoran
labels: onepassword
notify: cyberark-bizdev
maintainers: $team_cyberark_conjur
labels: conjur_variable
notify: cyberark-bizdev
labels: cyberarkpassword
maintainers: jpmens
labels: dig
labels: hashi_vault
maintainers: galanoff
labels: manifold
maintainers: Im0
labels: rabbitmq
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
maintainers: $team_cloudscale
labels: cloudscale
labels: cloudscale
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
labels: cloudstack
maintainers: $team_docker
maintainers: $team_docker
labels: cloud
labels: cloud
@ -858,6 +1082,8 @@ files:
authors: jpmens noseka1
authors: jpmens noseka1
authors: dagwieers jhoekx ribbons
authors: dagwieers jhoekx ribbons
authors: jirutka luisperlaz
authors: dagwieers
authors: dagwieers
@ -2008,162 +2234,47 @@ files:
authors: inetfuture mattupstate
authors: inetfuture mattupstate
authors: lekum
authors: lekum
labels: networking
labels: networking
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_aruba
maintainers: $team_aruba
labels: aruba networking
labels: aruba networking
maintainers: $team_cloudstack
maintainers: $team_huawei
labels: cloudstack
labels: ce cloudengine huawei networking
labels: networking
notify: cyberark-bizdev
maintainers: $team_cyberark_conjur
labels: conjur_variable
notify: cyberark-bizdev
labels: cyberarkpassword
maintainers: jpmens
labels: dig
maintainers: $team_docker morph027
labels: cloud docker docker_swarm
ignore: cove
supershipit: felixfontein
maintainers: samdoran
maintainers: samdoran
labels: edgeos networking
labels: edgeos networking
maintainers: f-bor
maintainers: f-bor
labels: edgeswitch networking
labels: edgeswitch networking
labels: networking
maintainers: itercheng
maintainers: itercheng
labels: eric_eccli networking
labels: eric_eccli networking
maintainers: $team_extreme rdvencioneck
maintainers: $team_extreme rdvencioneck
labels: exos networking
labels: exos networking
maintainers: $team_networking annikulin
labels: cisco ftd networking
keywords: firepower ftd
maintainers: $team_google
labels: gcp
supershipit: erjohnso rambleraptor
labels: hashi_vault
maintainers: farhan7500 gautamphegde
labels: hpe3par
maintainers: $team_huawei
labels: hwc
labels: networking
maintainers: paulquack
maintainers: paulquack
labels: ironware networking
labels: ironware networking
maintainers: chouseknecht fabianvf flaper87 maxamillion
labels: k8s kubectl
maintainers: $team_linode
labels: cloud linode
- linode dynamic inventory script
maintainers: mattclay
labels: lxd
maintainers: galanoff
labels: manifold
maintainers: $team_mysql
labels: database mysql
keywords: mariadb proxysql
labels: networking
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking nos
labels: networking nos
maintainers: chouseknecht fabianvf flaper87 maxamillion
labels: oc
maintainers: $team_onyx
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking onyx
labels: networking onyx
maintainers: $team_onyx
labels: networking onyx_config
maintainers: $team_postgresql
labels: postgres postgresql
keywords: database postgres postgresql
maintainers: $team_mysql
labels: database mysql proxysql
keywords: mariadb proxysql
maintainers: Im0
labels: rabbitmq
maintainers: heuels
maintainers: heuels
labels: networking routeros
labels: networking routeros
labels: saltstack
notify: chris-short
maintainers: $team_macos
labels: macos say
keywords: brew cask darwin homebrew macosx macports osx
maintainers: $team_scaleway
labels: cloud scaleway
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking slxos
labels: networking slxos
maintainers: $team_networking
maintainers: $team_networking
labels: networking sros
labels: networking sros
maintainers: ysn2233
labels: stderr
maintainers: ryancurrah
labels: sumologic
maintainers: akatch
labels: unixy
maintainers: $team_extreme
maintainers: $team_extreme
labels: networking voss
labels: networking voss
maintainers: $team_vultr
labels: cloud vultr
maintainers: bvitnik
labels: xenserver
actions: plugins/action
actions: plugins/action
becomes: plugins/become
becomes: plugins/become
@ -2177,7 +2288,6 @@ macros:
lookups: plugins/lookup
lookups: plugins/lookup
module_utils: plugins/module_utils
module_utils: plugins/module_utils
modules: plugins/modules
modules: plugins/modules
plugins: plugins/plugins
terminals: plugins/terminal
terminals: plugins/terminal
team_aci: aciguru brunocalogero devarshishah3 fadallar jmcgill298 koladiya mtorelli rsmeyers schunduri smnmtzgr
team_aci: aciguru brunocalogero devarshishah3 fadallar jmcgill298 koladiya mtorelli rsmeyers schunduri smnmtzgr
team_aix: MorrisA bcoca d-little flynn1973 gforster kairoaraujo marvin-sinister mator molekuul ramooncamacho wtcross
team_aix: MorrisA bcoca d-little flynn1973 gforster kairoaraujo marvin-sinister mator molekuul ramooncamacho wtcross
Reference in a new issue