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fix nxos_vpc issues (#35868)

This commit is contained in:
saichint 2018-02-08 05:20:37 -08:00 committed by Trishna Guha
parent 6264a55cdc
commit 80fcfdc0d1
3 changed files with 207 additions and 113 deletions

View file

@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ options:
- Enables/Disables peer gateway
required: true
required: false
choices: ['true','false']
- Enables/Disables auto recovery
required: true
required: false
choices: ['true','false']
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ commands:
"auto-recovery", "peer-gateway"]
import re
from ansible.module_utils.network.nxos.nxos import get_config, load_config, run_commands
from ansible.module_utils.network.nxos.nxos import nxos_argument_spec, check_args
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
@ -138,6 +139,13 @@ CONFIG_ARGS = {
'auto_recovery': '{auto_recovery} auto-recovery',
'delay_restore': '60',
'role_priority': '32667',
'system_priority': '32667',
'peer_gw': False,
def flatten_list(command_lists):
flat_command_list = []
@ -165,65 +173,60 @@ def get_vrf_list(module):
return vrf_list
def get_auto_recovery_default(module):
auto = False
data = run_commands(module, ['show inventory | json'])[0]
pid = data['TABLE_inv']['ROW_inv'][0]['productid']
if re.search(r'N7K', pid):
auto = True
elif re.search(r'N9K', pid):
data = run_commands(module, ['show hardware | json'])[0]
ver = data['kickstart_ver_str']
if re.search(r'7.0\(3\)F', ver):
auto = True
return auto
def get_vpc(module):
body = run_commands(module, ['show vpc | json'])[0]
domain = str(body['vpc-domain-id'])
auto_recovery = 'enabled' in str(body['vpc-auto-recovery-status']).lower()
vpc = {}
if domain != 'not configured':
delay_restore = None
pkl_src = None
role_priority = '32667'
system_priority = None
pkl_dest = None
pkl_vrf = None
peer_gw = False
run = get_config(module, flags=['vpc'])
if run:
vpc['domain'] = domain
for key in PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.keys():
vpc[key] = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
vpc['auto_recovery'] = get_auto_recovery_default(module)
vpc_list = run.split('\n')
for each in vpc_list:
if 'delay restore' in each:
line = each.split()
if len(line) == 3:
delay_restore = line[-1]
if 'peer-keepalive destination' in each:
line = each.split()
pkl_dest = line[2]
for word in line:
if 'source' in word:
index = line.index(word)
pkl_src = line[index + 1]
if 'role priority' in each:
line = each.split()
role_priority = line[-1]
vpc['role_priority'] = line[-1]
if 'system-priority' in each:
line = each.split()
system_priority = line[-1]
vpc['system_priority'] = line[-1]
if 'delay restore' in each:
line = each.split()
vpc['delay_restore'] = line[-1]
if 'no auto-recovery' in each:
vpc['auto_recovery'] = False
elif 'auto-recovery' in each:
vpc['auto_recovery'] = True
if 'peer-gateway' in each:
peer_gw = True
body = run_commands(module, ['show vpc peer-keepalive | json'])[0]
if body:
pkl_dest = body['vpc-keepalive-dest']
if 'N/A' in pkl_dest:
pkl_dest = None
elif len(pkl_dest) == 2:
pkl_dest = pkl_dest[0]
pkl_vrf = str(body['vpc-keepalive-vrf'])
vpc['domain'] = domain
vpc['auto_recovery'] = auto_recovery
vpc['delay_restore'] = delay_restore
vpc['pkl_src'] = pkl_src
vpc['role_priority'] = role_priority
vpc['system_priority'] = system_priority
vpc['pkl_dest'] = pkl_dest
vpc['pkl_vrf'] = pkl_vrf
vpc['peer_gw'] = peer_gw
vpc['peer_gw'] = True
if 'peer-keepalive destination' in each:
line = each.split()
vpc['pkl_dest'] = line[2]
vpc['pkl_vrf'] = 'management'
if 'source' in each:
vpc['pkl_src'] = line[4]
if 'vrf' in each:
vpc['pkl_vrf'] = line[6]
if 'vrf' in each:
vpc['pkl_vrf'] = line[4]
return vpc
@ -232,40 +235,24 @@ def get_commands_to_config_vpc(module, vpc, domain, existing):
vpc = dict(vpc)
domain_only = vpc.get('domain')
pkl_src = vpc.get('pkl_src')
pkl_dest = vpc.get('pkl_dest')
pkl_vrf = vpc.get('pkl_vrf') or existing.get('pkl_vrf')
vpc['pkl_vrf'] = pkl_vrf
commands = []
if pkl_src or pkl_dest:
if pkl_src is None:
vpc['pkl_src'] = existing.get('pkl_src')
elif pkl_dest is None:
vpc['pkl_dest'] = existing.get('pkl_dest')
pkl_command = 'peer-keepalive destination {pkl_dest}'.format(**vpc) \
+ ' source {pkl_src} vrf {pkl_vrf}'.format(**vpc)
if 'pkl_dest' in vpc:
pkl_command = 'peer-keepalive destination {pkl_dest}'.format(**vpc)
if 'pkl_src' in vpc:
pkl_command += ' source {pkl_src}'.format(**vpc)
if 'pkl_vrf' in vpc and vpc['pkl_vrf'] != 'management':
pkl_command += ' vrf {pkl_vrf}'.format(**vpc)
elif pkl_vrf:
pkl_src = existing.get('pkl_src')
pkl_dest = existing.get('pkl_dest')
if pkl_src and pkl_dest:
pkl_command = ('peer-keepalive destination {0}'
' source {1} vrf {2}'.format(pkl_dest, pkl_src, pkl_vrf))
if vpc.get('auto_recovery') is False:
vpc['auto_recovery'] = 'no'
vpc['auto_recovery'] = ''
if 'auto_recovery' in vpc:
if not vpc.get('auto_recovery'):
vpc['auto_recovery'] = 'no'
vpc['auto_recovery'] = ''
if 'peer_gw' in vpc:
if vpc.get('peer_gw') is False:
vpc['peer_gw'] = 'no'
vpc['peer_gw'] = ''
if existing.get('peer_gw') is False:
if not vpc.get('peer_gw'):
vpc['peer_gw'] = 'no'
vpc['peer_gw'] = ''
@ -283,14 +270,6 @@ def get_commands_to_config_vpc(module, vpc, domain, existing):
return commands
def get_commands_to_remove_vpc_interface(portchannel, config_value):
commands = []
command = 'no vpc {0}'.format(config_value)
commands.insert(0, 'interface port-channel{0}'.format(portchannel))
return commands
def main():
argument_spec = dict(
domain=dict(required=True, type='str'),
@ -298,9 +277,9 @@ def main():
system_priority=dict(required=False, type='str'),
pkl_vrf=dict(required=False, default='management'),
peer_gw=dict(required=True, type='bool'),
auto_recovery=dict(required=True, type='bool'),
peer_gw=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
auto_recovery=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
delay_restore=dict(required=False, type='str'),
state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'),
@ -331,18 +310,17 @@ def main():
if not (pkl_src and pkl_dest and pkl_vrf):
# if only the source or dest is set, it'll fail and ask to set the
# other
if pkl_src or pkl_dest:
module.fail_json(msg='source AND dest IP for pkl are required at '
'this time (although source is technically not '
' required by the device.)')
if not pkl_dest:
if pkl_src:
module.fail_json(msg='dest IP for peer-keepalive is required'
' when src IP is present')
elif pkl_vrf:
if pkl_vrf != 'management':
module.fail_json(msg='dest and src IP for peer-keepalive are required'
' when vrf is present')
module.fail_json(msg='dest IP for peer-keepalive is required'
' when vrf is present')
if pkl_vrf:
if pkl_vrf.lower() not in get_vrf_list(module):
module.fail_json(msg='The VRF you are trying to use for the peer '
@ -353,7 +331,12 @@ def main():
commands = []
if state == 'present':
delta = set(proposed.items()).difference(existing.items())
delta = {}
for key, value in proposed.items():
if str(value).lower() == 'default':
value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key)
if existing.get(key) != value:
delta[key] = value
if delta:
command = get_commands_to_config_vpc(module, delta, domain, existing)

View file

@ -19,14 +19,9 @@
nxos_vpc: &conf_vpc
state: present
domain: 100
role_priority: 500
system_priority: 2000
pkl_vrf: ntc
peer_gw: true
delay_restore: 5
auto_recovery: true
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
@ -42,18 +37,134 @@
- "result.changed == false"
- name: Configure vpc1
nxos_vpc: &conf_vpc1
state: present
domain: 100
role_priority: 500
system_priority: 2000
peer_gw: True
delay_restore: 5
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *conf_vpc1
register: result
- assert: *false
- block:
- name: Configure auto1
nxos_vpc: &auto_false
state: present
domain: 100
auto_recovery: False
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *auto_false
register: result
- assert: *false
- name: Configure auto2
nxos_vpc: &auto_true
state: present
domain: 100
auto_recovery: True
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *auto_true
register: result
- assert: *false
when: (platform is search("N7K|N9K-F"))
- block:
- name: Configure auto1
nxos_vpc: &auto_true1
state: present
domain: 100
auto_recovery: True
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *auto_true1
register: result
- assert: *false
- name: Configure auto2
nxos_vpc: &auto_false1
state: present
domain: 100
auto_recovery: False
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *auto_false1
register: result
- assert: *false
when: not (platform is search("N7K|N9K-F"))
- name: Configure vpc2
nxos_vpc: &conf_vpc2
state: present
domain: 100
role_priority: default
system_priority: default
peer_gw: True
delay_restore: default
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *conf_vpc2
register: result
- assert: *false
- name: Configure vpc3
nxos_vpc: &conf_vpc3
state: present
domain: 100
peer_gw: False
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result
- assert: *true
- name: "Conf Idempotence"
nxos_vpc: *conf_vpc3
register: result
- assert: *false
- name: remove vpc
nxos_vpc: &rem_vpc
state: absent
domain: 100
role_priority: 32667
system_priority: 2000
pkl_vrf: ntc
peer_gw: true
delay_restore: 5
auto_recovery: false
provider: "{{ connection }}"
register: result

View file

@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ class TestNxosVpcModule(TestNxosModule):
peer_gw=True, auto_recovery=True))
self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=[
'vpc domain 100', 'terminal dont-ask', 'role priority 32667', 'system-priority 2000',
'peer-keepalive destination source vrf management',
'peer-keepalive destination source',
'peer-gateway', 'auto-recovery',