diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/extras/univention/udm_dns_record.py b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/univention/udm_dns_record.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37c2468da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/extras/univention/udm_dns_record.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016, Adfinis SyGroup AG
+# Tobias Rueetschi <tobias.ruetschi@adfinis-sygroup.ch>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.univention_umc import (
+    umc_module_for_add,
+    umc_module_for_edit,
+    ldap_search,
+    base_dn,
+    config,
+    uldap,
+from univention.admin.handlers.dns import (
+    forward_zone,
+    reverse_zone,
+module: udm_dns_record
+version_added: "2.2"
+author: "Tobias Rueetschi (@2-B)"
+short_description: Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server
+    - "This module allows to manage dns records on a univention corporate server (UCS).
+       It uses the python API of the UCS to create a new object or edit it."
+    - Python >= 2.6
+    state:
+        required: false
+        default: "present"
+        choices: [ present, absent ]
+        description:
+            - Whether the dns record is present or not.
+    name:
+        required: true
+        description:
+            - "Name of the record, this is also the DNS record. E.g. www for
+               www.example.com."
+    zone:
+        required: true
+        description:
+            - Corresponding DNS zone for this record, e.g. example.com.
+    type:
+        required: true
+        choices: [ host_record, alias, ptr_record, srv_record, txt_record ]
+        description:
+            - "Define the record type. C(host_record) is a A or AAAA record,
+               C(alias) is a CNAME, C(ptr_record) is a PTR record, C(srv_record)
+               is a SRV record and C(txt_record) is a TXT record."
+    data:
+        required: false
+        default: []
+        description:
+            - "Additional data for this record, e.g. ['a': ''].
+               Required if C(state=present)."
+# Create a DNS record on a UCS
+- udm_dns_zone: name=www
+                zone=example.com
+                type=host_record
+                data=['a': '']
+RETURN = '''# '''
+def main():
+    module = AnsibleModule(
+        argument_spec = dict(
+            type        = dict(required=True,
+                               type='str'),
+            zone        = dict(required=True,
+                               type='str'),
+            name        = dict(required=True,
+                               type='str'),
+            data        = dict(default=[],
+                               type='dict'),
+            state       = dict(default='present',
+                               choices=['present', 'absent'],
+                               type='str')
+        ),
+        supports_check_mode=True,
+        required_if = ([
+            ('state', 'present', ['data'])
+        ])
+    )
+    type        = module.params['type']
+    zone        = module.params['zone']
+    name        = module.params['name']
+    data        = module.params['data']
+    state       = module.params['state']
+    changed     = False
+    obj = list(ldap_search(
+        '(&(objectClass=dNSZone)(zoneName={})(relativeDomainName={}))'.format(zone, name),
+        attr=['dNSZone']
+    ))
+    exists = bool(len(obj))
+    container = 'zoneName={},cn=dns,{}'.format(zone, base_dn())
+    dn = 'relativeDomainName={},{}'.format(name, container)
+    if state == 'present':
+        try:
+            if not exists:
+                so = forward_zone.lookup(
+                    config(),
+                    uldap(),
+                    '(zone={})'.format(zone),
+                    scope='domain',
+                ) or reverse_zone.lookup(
+                    config(),
+                    uldap(),
+                    '(zone={})'.format(zone),
+                    scope='domain',
+                )
+                obj = umc_module_for_add('dns/{}'.format(type), container, superordinate=so[0])
+            else:
+                obj = umc_module_for_edit('dns/{}'.format(type), dn)
+            obj['name'] = name
+            for k, v in data.items():
+                obj[k] = v
+            diff = obj.diff()
+            changed = obj.diff() != []
+            if not module.check_mode:
+                if not exists:
+                    obj.create()
+                else:
+                    obj.modify()
+        except BaseException as e:
+            module.fail_json(
+                msg='Creating/editing dns entry {} in {} failed: {}'.format(name, container, e)
+            )
+    if state == 'absent' and exists:
+        try:
+            obj = umc_module_for_edit('dns/{}'.format(type), dn)
+            if not module.check_mode:
+                obj.remove()
+            changed = True
+        except BaseException as e:
+            module.fail_json(
+                msg='Removing dns entry {} in {} failed: {}'.format(name, container, e)
+            )
+    module.exit_json(
+        changed=changed,
+        name=name,
+        diff=diff,
+        container=container
+    )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()