diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/slxos/slxos.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/slxos/slxos.py
index bbd7a6a7ee..cfd369f124 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/slxos/slxos.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/network/slxos/slxos.py
@@ -105,3 +105,44 @@ def run_commands(module, commands):
return responses
+def get_config(module):
+ """Get switch configuration
+ Gets the described device's current configuration. If a configuration has
+ already been retrieved it will return the previously obtained configuration.
+ Args:
+ module: A valid AnsibleModule instance.
+ Returns:
+ A string containing the configuration.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(module, 'device_configs'):
+ module.device_configs = {}
+ elif module.device_configs != {}:
+ return module.device_configs
+ connection = get_connection(module)
+ out = connection.get_config()
+ cfg = to_text(out, errors='surrogate_then_replace').strip()
+ module.device_configs = cfg
+ return cfg
+def load_config(module, commands):
+ """Apply a list of commands to a device.
+ Given a list of commands apply them to the device to modify the
+ configuration in bulk.
+ Args:
+ module: A valid AnsibleModule instance.
+ commands: Iterable of command strings.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ connection = get_connection(module)
+ connection.edit_config(commands)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/slxos/slxos_config.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/slxos/slxos_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af013d0465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/slxos/slxos_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# (c) 2018 Extreme Networks Inc.
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: slxos_config
+version_added: "2.6"
+author: "Lindsay Hill (@LindsayHill)"
+short_description: Manage Extreme Networks SLX-OS configuration sections
+ - Extreme SLX-OS configurations use a simple block indent file syntax
+ for segmenting configuration into sections. This module provides
+ an implementation for working with SLX-OS configuration sections in
+ a deterministic way.
+ - Tested against SLX-OS 17s.1.02
+ lines:
+ description:
+ - The ordered set of commands that should be configured in the
+ section. The commands must be the exact same commands as found
+ in the device running-config. Be sure to note the configuration
+ command syntax as some commands are automatically modified by the
+ device config parser.
+ default: null
+ aliases: ['commands']
+ parents:
+ description:
+ - The ordered set of parents that uniquely identify the section or hierarchy
+ the commands should be checked against. If the parents argument
+ is omitted, the commands are checked against the set of top
+ level or global commands.
+ default: null
+ src:
+ description:
+ - Specifies the source path to the file that contains the configuration
+ or configuration template to load. The path to the source file can
+ either be the full path on the Ansible control host or a relative
+ path from the playbook or role root directory. This argument is mutually
+ exclusive with I(lines), I(parents).
+ default: null
+ before:
+ description:
+ - The ordered set of commands to push on to the command stack if
+ a change needs to be made. This allows the playbook designer
+ the opportunity to perform configuration commands prior to pushing
+ any changes without affecting how the set of commands are matched
+ against the system.
+ default: null
+ after:
+ description:
+ - The ordered set of commands to append to the end of the command
+ stack if a change needs to be made. Just like with I(before) this
+ allows the playbook designer to append a set of commands to be
+ executed after the command set.
+ default: null
+ match:
+ description:
+ - Instructs the module on the way to perform the matching of
+ the set of commands against the current device config. If
+ match is set to I(line), commands are matched line by line. If
+ match is set to I(strict), command lines are matched with respect
+ to position. If match is set to I(exact), command lines
+ must be an equal match. Finally, if match is set to I(none), the
+ module will not attempt to compare the source configuration with
+ the running configuration on the remote device.
+ default: line
+ choices: ['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']
+ replace:
+ description:
+ - Instructs the module on the way to perform the configuration
+ on the device. If the replace argument is set to I(line) then
+ the modified lines are pushed to the device in configuration
+ mode. If the replace argument is set to I(block) then the entire
+ command block is pushed to the device in configuration mode if any
+ line is not correct.
+ default: line
+ choices: ['line', 'block']
+ multiline_delimiter:
+ description:
+ - This argument is used when pushing a multiline configuration
+ element to the SLX-OS device. It specifies the character to use
+ as the delimiting character. This only applies to the
+ configuration action.
+ default: "@"
+ backup:
+ description:
+ - This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of
+ the current C(running-config) from the remote device before any
+ changes are made. The backup file is written to the C(backup)
+ folder in the playbook root directory. If the directory does not
+ exist, it is created.
+ default: no
+ type: bool
+ running_config:
+ description:
+ - The module, by default, will connect to the remote device and
+ retrieve the current running-config to use as a base for comparing
+ against the contents of source. There are times when it is not
+ desirable to have the task get the current running-config for
+ every task in a playbook. The I(running_config) argument allows the
+ implementer to pass in the configuration to use as the base
+ config for comparison.
+ default: null
+ aliases: ['config']
+ defaults:
+ description:
+ - This argument specifies whether or not to collect all defaults
+ when getting the remote device running config. When enabled,
+ the module will get the current config by issuing the command
+ C(show running-config all).
+ type: bool
+ default: 'no'
+ save_when:
+ description:
+ - When changes are made to the device running-configuration, the
+ changes are not copied to non-volatile storage by default. Using
+ this argument will change that before. If the argument is set to
+ I(always), then the running-config will always be copied to the
+ startup-config and the I(modified) flag will always be set to
+ True. If the argument is set to I(modified), then the running-config
+ will only be copied to the startup-config if it has changed since
+ the last save to startup-config. If the argument is set to
+ I(never), the running-config will never be copied to the
+ startup-config. If the argument is set to I(changed), then the running-config
+ will only be copied to the startup-config if the task has made a change.
+ default: never
+ choices: ['always', 'never', 'modified', 'changed']
+ diff_against:
+ description:
+ - When using the C(ansible-playbook --diff) command line argument
+ the module can generate diffs against different sources.
+ - When this option is configure as I(startup), the module will return
+ the diff of the running-config against the startup-config.
+ - When this option is configured as I(intended), the module will
+ return the diff of the running-config against the configuration
+ provided in the C(intended_config) argument.
+ - When this option is configured as I(running), the module will
+ return the before and after diff of the running-config with respect
+ to any changes made to the device configuration.
+ choices: ['running', 'startup', 'intended']
+ diff_ignore_lines:
+ description:
+ - Use this argument to specify one or more lines that should be
+ ignored during the diff. This is used for lines in the configuration
+ that are automatically updated by the system. This argument takes
+ a list of regular expressions or exact line matches.
+ intended_config:
+ description:
+ - The C(intended_config) provides the master configuration that
+ the node should conform to and is used to check the final
+ running-config against. This argument will not modify any settings
+ on the remote device and is strictly used to check the compliance
+ of the current device's configuration against. When specifying this
+ argument, the task should also modify the C(diff_against) value and
+ set it to I(intended).
+- name: configure top level configuration
+ slxos_config:
+ lines: hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}
+- name: configure interface settings
+ slxos_config:
+ lines:
+ - description test interface
+ - ip address
+ parents: interface Ethernet 0/1
+- name: configure multiple interfaces
+ slxos_config:
+ lines:
+ - lacp timeout long
+ parents: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - interface Ethernet 0/1
+ - interface Ethernet 0/2
+- name: load new acl into device
+ slxos_config:
+ lines:
+ - seq 10 permit ip host any log
+ - seq 20 permit ip host any log
+ - seq 30 permit ip host any log
+ - seq 40 permit ip host any log
+ - seq 50 permit ip host any log
+ parents: ip access-list extended test
+ before: no ip access-list extended test
+ match: exact
+- name: check the running-config against master config
+ slxos_config:
+ diff_against: intended
+ intended_config: "{{ lookup('file', 'master.cfg') }}"
+- name: check the startup-config against the running-config
+ slxos_config:
+ diff_against: startup
+ diff_ignore_lines:
+ - ntp clock .*
+- name: save running to startup when modified
+ slxos_config:
+ save_when: modified
+RETURN = """
+ description: The set of commands that will be pushed to the remote device
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample: ['switch-attributes hostname foo', 'router ospf', 'area 0']
+ description: The set of commands that will be pushed to the remote device
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample: ['switch-attributes hostname foo', 'router ospf', 'area 0']
+ description: The full path to the backup file
+ returned: when backup is yes
+ type: string
+ sample: /playbooks/ansible/backup/slxos_config.2018-02-12@18:26:34
+import re
+import time
+from ansible.module_utils.network.slxos.slxos import run_commands, get_config, load_config
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.network.common.parsing import Conditional
+from ansible.module_utils.network.common.config import NetworkConfig, dumps
+from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
+__metaclass__ = type
+def check_args(module, warnings):
+ if module.params['multiline_delimiter']:
+ if len(module.params['multiline_delimiter']) != 1:
+ module.fail_json(msg='multiline_delimiter value can only be a '
+ 'single character')
+def get_running_config(module, current_config=None):
+ contents = module.params['running_config']
+ if not contents:
+ if current_config:
+ contents = current_config.config_text
+ else:
+ contents = get_config(module)
+ return NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents)
+def get_candidate(module):
+ candidate = NetworkConfig(indent=1)
+ if module.params['src']:
+ src = module.params['src']
+ candidate.load(src)
+ elif module.params['lines']:
+ parents = module.params['parents'] or list()
+ candidate.add(module.params['lines'], parents=parents)
+ return candidate
+def save_config(module, result):
+ result['changed'] = True
+ if not module.check_mode:
+ command = {"command": "copy running-config startup-config",
+ "prompt": "This operation will modify your startup configuration. Do you want to continue", "answer": "y"}
+ run_commands(module, command)
+ else:
+ module.warn('Skipping command `copy running-config startup-config` '
+ 'due to check_mode. Configuration not copied to '
+ 'non-volatile storage')
+def main():
+ """ main entry point for module execution
+ """
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ src=dict(type='path'),
+ lines=dict(aliases=['commands'], type='list'),
+ parents=dict(type='list'),
+ before=dict(type='list'),
+ after=dict(type='list'),
+ match=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']),
+ replace=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'block']),
+ multiline_delimiter=dict(default='@'),
+ running_config=dict(aliases=['config']),
+ intended_config=dict(),
+ defaults=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ save_when=dict(choices=['always', 'never', 'modified', 'changed'], default='never'),
+ diff_against=dict(choices=['startup', 'intended', 'running']),
+ diff_ignore_lines=dict(type='list'),
+ )
+ mutually_exclusive = [('lines', 'src'),
+ ('parents', 'src')]
+ required_if = [('match', 'strict', ['lines']),
+ ('match', 'exact', ['lines']),
+ ('replace', 'block', ['lines']),
+ ('diff_against', 'intended', ['intended_config'])]
+ module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
+ required_if=required_if,
+ supports_check_mode=True)
+ result = {'changed': False}
+ warnings = list()
+ check_args(module, warnings)
+ result['warnings'] = warnings
+ config = None
+ if module.params['backup'] or (module._diff and module.params['diff_against'] == 'running'):
+ contents = get_config(module)
+ config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents)
+ if module.params['backup']:
+ result['__backup__'] = contents
+ if any((module.params['lines'], module.params['src'])):
+ match = module.params['match']
+ replace = module.params['replace']
+ path = module.params['parents']
+ candidate = get_candidate(module)
+ if match != 'none':
+ config = get_running_config(module, config)
+ path = module.params['parents']
+ configobjs = candidate.difference(config, path=path, match=match, replace=replace)
+ else:
+ configobjs = candidate.items
+ if configobjs:
+ commands = dumps(configobjs, 'commands').split('\n')
+ if module.params['before']:
+ commands[:0] = module.params['before']
+ if module.params['after']:
+ commands.extend(module.params['after'])
+ result['commands'] = commands
+ result['updates'] = commands
+ # send the configuration commands to the device and merge
+ # them with the current running config
+ if not module.check_mode:
+ if commands:
+ load_config(module, commands)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ running_config = None
+ startup_config = None
+ diff_ignore_lines = module.params['diff_ignore_lines']
+ if module.params['save_when'] == 'always':
+ save_config(module, result)
+ elif module.params['save_when'] == 'modified':
+ output = run_commands(module, ['show running-config', 'show startup-config'])
+ running_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=output[0], ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
+ startup_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=output[1], ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
+ if running_config.sha1 != startup_config.sha1:
+ save_config(module, result)
+ elif module.params['save_when'] == 'changed' and result['changed']:
+ save_config(module, result)
+ if module._diff:
+ if not running_config:
+ output = run_commands(module, 'show running-config')
+ contents = output[0]
+ else:
+ contents = running_config.config_text
+ # recreate the object in order to process diff_ignore_lines
+ running_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
+ if module.params['diff_against'] == 'running':
+ if module.check_mode:
+ module.warn("unable to perform diff against running-config due to check mode")
+ contents = None
+ else:
+ contents = config.config_text
+ elif module.params['diff_against'] == 'startup':
+ if not startup_config:
+ output = run_commands(module, 'show startup-config')
+ contents = output[0]
+ else:
+ contents = startup_config.config_text
+ elif module.params['diff_against'] == 'intended':
+ contents = module.params['intended_config']
+ if contents is not None:
+ base_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
+ if running_config.sha1 != base_config.sha1:
+ if module.params['diff_against'] == 'intended':
+ before = running_config
+ after = base_config
+ elif module.params['diff_against'] in ('startup', 'running'):
+ before = base_config
+ after = running_config
+ result.update({
+ 'changed': True,
+ 'diff': {'before': str(before), 'after': str(after)}
+ })
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/test/units/module_utils/network/slxos/test_slxos.py b/test/units/module_utils/network/slxos/test_slxos.py
index 1e855fb9ac..b2d856e7b4 100644
--- a/test/units/module_utils/network/slxos/test_slxos.py
+++ b/test/units/module_utils/network/slxos/test_slxos.py
@@ -129,3 +129,21 @@ class TestPluginCLIConfSLXOS(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(responses, run_command_responses)
+ @patch('ansible.module_utils.network.slxos.slxos.Connection')
+ def test_load_config(self, connection):
+ """ Test load_config
+ """
+ module = MagicMock()
+ commands = [
+ 'what does it take',
+ 'to be',
+ 'number one?',
+ 'two is not a winner',
+ 'and three nobody remember',
+ ]
+ slxos.load_config(module, commands)
+ module.slxos_connection.edit_config.assert_called_once_with(commands)
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_config.cfg b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afad9d08aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+hostname router
+interface GigabitEthernet0/0
+ ip address
+ description test string
+interface GigabitEthernet0/1
+ ip address
+ description test string
+ shutdown
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_src.cfg b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_src.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3d8961a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/fixtures/slxos_config_src.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+hostname foo
+interface GigabitEthernet0/0
+ no ip address
+interface GigabitEthernet0/1
+ ip address
+ description test string
+ shutdown
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/slxos/test_slxos_config.py b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/test_slxos_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..419c6d0447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/slxos/test_slxos_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# (c) 2018 Extreme Networks Inc.
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch
+from ansible.modules.network.slxos import slxos_config
+from units.modules.utils import set_module_args
+from .slxos_module import TestSlxosModule, load_fixture
+class TestSlxosConfigModule(TestSlxosModule):
+ module = slxos_config
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestSlxosConfigModule, self).setUp()
+ self.mock_get_config = patch('ansible.modules.network.slxos.slxos_config.get_config')
+ self.get_config = self.mock_get_config.start()
+ self.mock_load_config = patch('ansible.modules.network.slxos.slxos_config.load_config')
+ self.load_config = self.mock_load_config.start()
+ self.mock_run_commands = patch('ansible.modules.network.slxos.slxos_config.run_commands')
+ self.run_commands = self.mock_run_commands.start()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(TestSlxosConfigModule, self).tearDown()
+ self.mock_get_config.stop()
+ self.mock_load_config.stop()
+ self.mock_run_commands.stop()
+ def load_fixtures(self, commands=None):
+ config_file = 'slxos_config_config.cfg'
+ self.get_config.return_value = load_fixture(config_file)
+ self.load_config.return_value = None
+ def test_slxos_config_unchanged(self):
+ src = load_fixture('slxos_config_config.cfg')
+ set_module_args(dict(src=src))
+ self.execute_module()
+ def test_slxos_config_src(self):
+ src = load_fixture('slxos_config_src.cfg')
+ set_module_args(dict(src=src))
+ commands = ['hostname foo', 'interface GigabitEthernet0/0',
+ 'no ip address']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_slxos_config_backup(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(backup=True))
+ result = self.execute_module()
+ self.assertIn('__backup__', result)
+ def test_slxos_config_save_always(self):
+ self.run_commands.return_value = "Hostname foo"
+ set_module_args(dict(save_when='always'))
+ self.execute_module(changed=True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.run_commands.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.get_config.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.load_config.call_count, 0)
+ args = self.run_commands.call_args[0][1]
+ self.assertIn('copy running-config startup-config', args['command'])
+ def test_slxos_config_save_changed_true(self):
+ src = load_fixture('slxos_config_src.cfg')
+ set_module_args(dict(src=src, save_when='changed'))
+ commands = ['hostname foo', 'interface GigabitEthernet0/0', 'no ip address']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ self.assertEqual(self.run_commands.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.get_config.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.load_config.call_count, 1)
+ args = self.run_commands.call_args[0][1]
+ self.assertIn('copy running-config startup-config', args['command'])
+ def test_slxos_config_save_changed_false(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(save_when='changed'))
+ self.execute_module(changed=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.run_commands.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.get_config.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertEqual(self.load_config.call_count, 0)
+ def test_slxos_config_lines_wo_parents(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['hostname foo']))
+ commands = ['hostname foo']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_slxos_config_lines_w_parents(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['shutdown'], parents=['interface GigabitEthernet0/0']))
+ commands = ['interface GigabitEthernet0/0', 'shutdown']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_slxos_config_before(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['hostname foo'], before=['test1', 'test2']))
+ commands = ['test1', 'test2', 'hostname foo']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands, sort=False)
+ def test_slxos_config_after(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['hostname foo'], after=['test1', 'test2']))
+ commands = ['hostname foo', 'test1', 'test2']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands, sort=False)
+ def test_slxos_config_before_after_no_change(self):
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['hostname router'],
+ before=['test1', 'test2'],
+ after=['test3', 'test4']))
+ self.execute_module()
+ def test_slxos_config_config(self):
+ config = 'hostname localhost'
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=['hostname router'], config=config))
+ commands = ['hostname router']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_slxos_config_replace_block(self):
+ lines = ['description test string', 'test string']
+ parents = ['interface GigabitEthernet0/0']
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=lines, replace='block', parents=parents))
+ commands = parents + lines
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_none(self):
+ lines = ['hostname router']
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=lines, match='none'))
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=lines)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_none(self):
+ lines = ['ip address', 'description test string']
+ parents = ['interface GigabitEthernet0/0']
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=lines, parents=parents, match='none'))
+ commands = parents + lines
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands, sort=False)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_strict(self):
+ lines = ['ip address', 'description test string',
+ 'shutdown']
+ parents = ['interface GigabitEthernet0/0']
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=lines, parents=parents, match='strict'))
+ commands = parents + ['shutdown']
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands, sort=False)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_exact(self):
+ lines = ['ip address', 'description test string',
+ 'shutdown']
+ parents = ['interface GigabitEthernet0/0']
+ set_module_args(dict(lines=lines, parents=parents, match='exact'))
+ commands = parents + lines
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands, sort=False)
+ def test_slxos_config_src_and_lines_fails(self):
+ args = dict(src='foo', lines='foo')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)
+ def test_slxos_config_src_and_parents_fails(self):
+ args = dict(src='foo', parents='foo')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_exact_requires_lines(self):
+ args = dict(match='exact')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)
+ def test_slxos_config_match_strict_requires_lines(self):
+ args = dict(match='strict')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)
+ def test_slxos_config_replace_block_requires_lines(self):
+ args = dict(replace='block')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)
+ def test_slxos_config_replace_config_requires_src(self):
+ args = dict(replace='config')
+ set_module_args(args)
+ self.execute_module(failed=True)