2012-04-04 11:11:31 -04:00
# tests are fairly 'live' (but safe to run)
# setup authorized_keys for logged in user such
# that the user can log in as themselves before running tests
import unittest
import getpass
import ansible.runner
import os
import shutil
2012-04-04 11:24:22 -04:00
import time
2012-07-29 22:40:12 -07:00
import tempfile
2013-01-03 14:09:29 -08:00
import urllib2
2012-04-04 11:11:31 -04:00
2012-04-17 13:30:30 +02:00
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
def get_binary(name):
for directory in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
path = os.path.join(directory, name)
if os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK):
return path
return None
2012-04-04 11:11:31 -04:00
class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
def setUp(self):
self.user = getpass.getuser()
self.runner = ansible.runner.Runner(
2012-11-19 10:30:30 -05:00
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
self.test_dir = os.path.join(self.cwd, 'test')
self.stage_dir = self._prepare_stage_dir()
def _prepare_stage_dir(self):
stage_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'test_data')
if os.path.exists(stage_path):
shutil.rmtree(stage_path, ignore_errors=False)
assert not os.path.exists(stage_path)
assert os.path.exists(stage_path)
return stage_path
def _get_test_file(self, filename):
# get a file inside the test input directory
filename = os.path.join(self.test_dir, filename)
assert os.path.exists(filename)
return filename
def _get_stage_file(self, filename):
# get a file inside the test output directory
filename = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, filename)
return filename
def _run(self, module_name, module_args, background=0):
''' run a module and get the localhost results '''
self.runner.module_name = module_name
args = ' '.join(module_args)
print "DEBUG: using args=%s" % args
self.runner.module_args = args
self.runner.background = background
results = self.runner.run()
# when using nosetests this will only show up on failure
# which is pretty useful
print "RESULTS=%s" % results
2012-08-27 23:06:39 -04:00
assert "localhost" in results['contacted']
return results['contacted']['localhost']
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
def test_ping(self):
result = self._run('ping', [])
assert "ping" in result
def test_facter(self):
if not get_binary("facter"):
raise SkipTest
result = self._run('facter', [])
assert "hostname" in result
# temporarily disbabled since it occasionally hangs
# ohai's fault, setup module doesn't actually run this
# to get ohai's "facts" anyway
#def test_ohai(self):
# if not get_binary("facter"):
# raise SkipTest
# result = self._run('ohai',[])
# assert "hostname" in result
def test_copy(self):
# test copy module, change trigger, etc
input_ = self._get_test_file('sample.j2')
output = self._get_stage_file('sample.out')
assert not os.path.exists(output)
result = self._run('copy', [
"src=%s" % input_,
"dest=%s" % output,
assert os.path.exists(output)
data_in = file(input_).read()
data_out = file(output).read()
assert data_in == data_out
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['changed'] == True
assert 'md5sum' in result
result = self._run('copy', [
"src=%s" % input_,
"dest=%s" % output,
assert result['changed'] == False
def test_command(self):
# test command module, change trigger, etc
result = self._run('command', [ "/bin/echo", "hi" ])
assert "failed" not in result
assert "msg" not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
assert result['stdout'] == 'hi'
assert result['stderr'] == ''
2012-07-30 11:59:29 +10:00
result = self._run('command', [ "false" ])
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
assert result['rc'] == 1
assert 'failed' not in result
result = self._run('command', [ "/usr/bin/this_does_not_exist", "splat" ])
assert 'msg' in result
assert 'failed' in result
result = self._run('shell', [ "/bin/echo", "$HOME" ])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
2012-10-01 08:30:53 +02:00
result = self._run('command', [ "creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "chdir=/tmp", "touch", "'ansible command test'" ])
assert 'changed' in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
result = self._run('command', [ "creates='/tmp/ansible command test'", "false" ])
assert 'skipped' in result
result = self._run('shell', [ "removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "chdir=/tmp", "rm -f 'ansible command test'; echo $?" ])
assert 'changed' in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
assert result['stdout'] == '0'
result = self._run('shell', [ "removes=/tmp/ansible\\ command\\ test", "false" ])
assert 'skipped' in result
2012-08-23 00:08:38 -04:00
def test_git(self):
self._run('command',['git init gitdemo', 'chdir=/tmp'])
self._run('command',['touch a', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['touch b', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git add *', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
self._run('command',['git commit -m "test commit 2"', 'chdir=/tmp/gitdemo'])
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd" ])
assert result['changed']
# test the force option not set
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=no" ])
assert result['failed']
# test the force option when set
result = self._run('git', [ "repo=\"file:///tmp/gitdemo\"", "dest=/tmp/gd", "force=yes" ])
assert result['changed']
2012-09-18 21:02:16 -04:00
def test_file(self):
filedemo = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=directory'])['failed']
assert os.path.isfile(filedemo)
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'src=/dev/null', 'state=link'])['failed']
assert os.path.isfile(filedemo)
2012-10-20 22:51:36 -04:00
res = self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'mode=604', 'state=file'])
print res
assert res['changed']
2012-09-18 21:02:16 -04:00
assert os.path.isfile(filedemo) and os.stat(filedemo).st_mode == 0100604
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
assert not os.path.exists(filedemo)
assert not self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
filedemo = tempfile.mkdtemp()
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=file'])['failed']
assert os.path.isdir(filedemo)
2012-10-12 20:07:05 -04:00
# this used to fail but will now make a 'null' symlink in the directory pointing to dev/null.
# I feel this is ok but don't want to enforce it with a test.
#result = self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'src=/dev/null', 'state=link'])
#assert result['failed']
#assert os.path.isdir(filedemo)
2012-09-18 21:02:16 -04:00
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'mode=701', 'state=directory'])['changed']
assert os.path.isdir(filedemo) and os.stat(filedemo).st_mode == 040701
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
assert not os.path.exists(filedemo)
assert not self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
filedemo = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'link')
os.symlink('/dev/zero', filedemo)
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=file'])['failed']
assert os.path.islink(filedemo)
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=directory'])['failed']
assert os.path.islink(filedemo)
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'src=/dev/null', 'state=link'])['changed']
assert os.path.islink(filedemo) and os.path.realpath(filedemo) == '/dev/null'
assert self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
assert not os.path.exists(filedemo)
assert not self._run('file', ['dest=' + filedemo, 'state=absent'])['changed']
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
def test_large_output(self):
2012-05-15 14:26:43 +02:00
large_path = "/usr/share/dict/words"
if not os.path.exists(large_path):
large_path = "/usr/share/dict/cracklib-small"
if not os.path.exists(large_path):
raise SkipTest
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
# Ensure reading a large amount of output from a command doesn't hang.
2012-05-15 14:26:43 +02:00
result = self._run('command', [ "/bin/cat", large_path ])
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
assert "failed" not in result
assert "msg" not in result
assert result['rc'] == 0
assert len(result['stdout']) > 100000
assert result['stderr'] == ''
def test_async(self):
# test async launch and job status
# of any particular module
result = self._run('command', [ get_binary("sleep"), "3" ], background=20)
assert 'ansible_job_id' in result
assert 'started' in result
jid = result['ansible_job_id']
# no real chance of this op taking a while, but whatever
# CLI will abstract this (when polling), but this is how it works internally
result = self._run('async_status', [ "jid=%s" % jid ])
# TODO: would be nice to have tests for supervisory process
# killing job after X seconds
assert 'finished' in result
assert 'failed' not in result
assert 'rc' in result
assert 'stdout' in result
assert result['ansible_job_id'] == jid
def test_fetch(self):
input_ = self._get_test_file('sample.j2')
2012-08-27 23:06:39 -04:00
output = os.path.join(self.stage_dir, 'localhost', input_)
2012-05-11 11:38:15 -04:00
result = self._run('fetch', [ "src=%s" % input_, "dest=%s" % self.stage_dir ])
assert os.path.exists(output)
assert open(input_).read() == open(output).read()
2012-06-11 23:09:54 -07:00
def test_assemble(self):
input = self._get_test_file('assemble.d')
output = self._get_stage_file('sample.out')
result = self._run('assemble', [
"src=%s" % input,
"dest=%s" % output,
2012-10-20 22:51:36 -04:00
print result
2012-06-11 23:09:54 -07:00
assert os.path.exists(output)
out = file(output).read()
assert out.find("first") != -1
assert out.find("second") != -1
assert out.find("third") != -1
assert result['changed'] == True
assert 'md5sum' in result
assert 'failed' not in result
result = self._run('assemble', [
"src=%s" % input,
"dest=%s" % output,
2012-10-20 22:51:36 -04:00
print result
2012-06-11 23:09:54 -07:00
assert result['changed'] == False
2013-01-03 14:09:29 -08:00
def test_apt_key(self):
key_file = self._get_test_file("apt_key.gpg")
key_file_url = 'file://' + urllib2.quote(key_file)
key_id = '473041FA'
os.environ['ANSIBLE_TEST_APT_KEY'] = 'none'
# key missing, should download and add
result = self._run('apt_key', ['state=present', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 1
assert result['downloaded'] == 1
assert result['removed'] == 0
assert result['changed']
os.environ["ANSIBLE_TEST_APT_KEY"] = key_id
# key missing, shouldn't download, no changes
result = self._run('apt_key', ['id=12345678', 'state=absent', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 0
assert result['removed'] == 0
assert not result['changed']
# key missing, should download and fail sanity check, no changes
result = self._run('apt_key', ['id=12345678', 'state=present', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 1
assert result['removed'] == 0
# key present, shouldn't download, no changes
result = self._run('apt_key', ['id=' + key_id, 'state=present', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 0
assert result['removed'] == 0
assert not result['changed']
# key present, should download to get key id
result = self._run('apt_key', ['state=present', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 1
assert result['removed'] == 0
assert not result['changed']
# key present, should download to get key id and remove
result = self._run('apt_key', ['state=absent', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 1
assert result['removed'] == 1
assert result['changed']
# key present, should remove but not download
result = self._run('apt_key', ['id=' + key_id, 'state=absent', 'url=' + key_file_url])
assert 'failed' not in result
assert result['added'] == 0
assert result['downloaded'] == 0
assert result['removed'] == 1
assert result['changed']
# always clean up the environment
os.environ.pop('ANSIBLE_TEST_APT_KEY', None)