2017-01-18 01:37:29 +01:00
coverage >= 4.2, != 4.3.2 # features in 4.2+ required, avoid known bug in 4.3.2 on python 2.6
2018-03-20 16:54:16 +01:00
cryptography < 2.2 ; python_version < '2.7' # cryptography 2.2 drops support for python 2.6
2018-01-10 02:22:24 +01:00
pywinrm >= 0.3.0 # message encryption support
2017-05-16 19:00:15 +02:00
sphinx < 1.6 ; python_version < '2.7' # sphinx 1.6 and later require python 2.7 or later
2017-09-11 08:52:13 +02:00
wheel < 0.30.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # wheel 0.30.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
2017-07-04 22:31:16 +02:00
yamllint != 1.8.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # yamllint 1.8.0 requires python 2.7+ while earlier/later versions do not
2017-06-27 15:00:15 +02:00
pycrypto >= 2.6 # Need features found in 2.6 and greater
2017-07-12 17:36:16 +02:00
ncclient >= 0.5.2 # Need features added in 0.5.2 and greater
2017-08-10 08:47:25 +02:00
idna < 2.6 # requests requires idna < 2.6, but cryptography will cause the latest version to be installed instead
2017-11-21 04:45:13 +01:00
paramiko < 2.4.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # paramiko 2.4.0 drops support for python 2.6
2017-12-06 06:38:43 +01:00
pytest < 3.3.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pytest 3.3.0 drops support for python 2.6
2018-01-10 02:22:24 +01:00
ntlm-auth >= 1.0.6 # message encryption support
requests-ntlm >= 1.1.0 # message encryption support
requests-credssp >= 0.1.0 # message encryption support
2018-03-10 00:09:58 +01:00
voluptuous >= 0.11.0 # Schema recursion via Self
2018-08-31 02:42:47 +02:00
openshift >= 0.6.2 # merge_type support
2018-09-03 18:34:22 +02:00
virtualenv < 16.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # virtualenv 16.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyopenssl < 18.0.0 ; python_version < '2.7' # pyOpenSSL 18.0.0 and later require python 2.7 or later
pyfmg == 0.6.1 # newer versions do not pass current unit tests
2018-10-15 08:10:52 +02:00
pycparser < 2.19 ; python_version < '2.7' # pycparser 2.19 and later require python 2.7 or later
2018-10-15 07:59:52 +02:00
# freeze pylint and its requirements for consistent test results
astroid == 2.0.4
isort == 4.3.4
lazy-object-proxy == 1.3.1
mccabe == 0.6.1
pylint == 2.1.1
six == 1.11.0
typed-ast == 1.1.0
wrapt == 1.10.11