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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020, Jeffrey van Pelt <jeff@vanpelt.one>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# The API responses used in these tests were recorded from PVE version 6.2.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import pytest
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.inventory.data import InventoryData
from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.inventory.proxmox import InventoryModule
def inventory():
r = InventoryModule()
r.inventory = InventoryData()
return r
def test_verify_file_bad_config(inventory):
assert inventory.verify_file('foobar.proxmox.yml') is False
def get_auth():
return True
# NOTE: when updating/adding replies to this function,
# be sure to only add only the _contents_ of the 'data' dict in the API reply
def get_json(url):
if url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/nodes":
# _get_nodes
return [{"type": "node",
"cpu": 0.01,
"maxdisk": 500,
"mem": 500,
"node": "testnode",
"id": "node/testnode",
"maxcpu": 1,
"status": "online",
"ssl_fingerprint": "xx",
"disk": 1000,
"maxmem": 1000,
"uptime": 10000,
"level": ""}]
elif url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/pools":
# _get_pools
return [{"poolid": "test"}]
elif url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/nodes/testnode/lxc":
# _get_lxc_per_node
return [{"cpus": 1,
"name": "test-lxc",
"cpu": 0.01,
"diskwrite": 0,
"lock": "",
"maxmem": 1000,
"template": "",
"diskread": 0,
"mem": 1000,
"swap": 0,
"type": "lxc",
"maxswap": 0,
"maxdisk": "1000",
"netout": 1000,
"pid": "1000",
"netin": 1000,
"status": "running",
"vmid": "100",
"disk": "1000",
"uptime": 1000}]
elif url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/nodes/testnode/qemu":
# _get_qemu_per_node
return [{"name": "test-qemu",
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1000,
"template": "",
"diskread": 0,
"cpu": 0.01,
"maxmem": 1000,
"diskwrite": 0,
"netout": 1000,
"pid": "1001",
"netin": 1000,
"maxdisk": 1000,
"vmid": "101",
"uptime": 1000,
"disk": 0,
"status": "running"}]
elif url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/pools/test":
# _get_members_per_pool
return {"members": [{"uptime": 1000,
"template": 0,
"id": "qemu/101",
"mem": 1000,
"status": "running",
"cpu": 0.01,
"maxmem": 1000,
"diskwrite": 1000,
"name": "test-qemu",
"netout": 1000,
"netin": 1000,
"vmid": 101,
"node": "testnode",
"maxcpu": 1,
"type": "qemu",
"maxdisk": 1000,
"disk": 0,
"diskread": 1000}]}
elif url == "https://localhost:8006/api2/json/nodes/testnode/network":
# _get_node_ip
return [{"families": ["inet"],
"priority": 3,
"active": 1,
"cidr": "",
"iface": "eth0",
"method": "static",
"exists": 1,
"type": "eth",
"netmask": "24",
"gateway": "",
"address": "",
"method6": "manual",
"autostart": 1},
{"method6": "manual",
"autostart": 1,
"type": "OVSPort",
"exists": 1,
"method": "manual",
"iface": "eth1",
"ovs_bridge": "vmbr0",
"active": 1,
"families": ["inet"],
"priority": 5,
"ovs_type": "OVSPort"},
{"type": "OVSBridge",
"method": "manual",
"iface": "vmbr0",
"families": ["inet"],
"priority": 4,
"ovs_ports": "eth1",
"ovs_type": "OVSBridge",
"method6": "manual",
"autostart": 1,
"active": 1}]
def get_vm_status(node, vmtype, vmid, name):
return True
def get_option(option):
if option == 'group_prefix':
return 'proxmox_'
return False
def test_populate(inventory, mocker):
# module settings
inventory.proxmox_user = 'root@pam'
inventory.proxmox_password = 'password'
inventory.proxmox_url = 'https://localhost:8006'
# bypass authentication and API fetch calls
inventory._get_auth = mocker.MagicMock(side_effect=get_auth)
inventory._get_json = mocker.MagicMock(side_effect=get_json)
inventory._get_vm_status = mocker.MagicMock(side_effect=get_vm_status)
inventory.get_option = mocker.MagicMock(side_effect=get_option)
# get different hosts
host_qemu = inventory.inventory.get_host('test-qemu')
host_lxc = inventory.inventory.get_host('test-lxc')
host_node = inventory.inventory.get_host('testnode')
# check if qemu-test is in the proxmox_pool_test group
assert 'proxmox_pool_test' in inventory.inventory.groups
group_qemu = inventory.inventory.groups['proxmox_pool_test']
assert group_qemu.hosts == [host_qemu]
# check if lxc-test has been discovered correctly
group_lxc = inventory.inventory.groups['proxmox_all_lxc']
assert group_lxc.hosts == [host_lxc]