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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015, René Moser <mail@renemoser.net>
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native
from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
from cs import CloudStack, CloudStackException, read_config
except ImportError:
CS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
HAS_LIB_CS = False
if sys.version_info > (3,):
long = int
def cs_argument_spec():
return dict(
api_secret=dict(default=os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_SECRET'), no_log=True),
api_http_method=dict(choices=['get', 'post'], default=os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_METHOD')),
api_timeout=dict(type='int', default=os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_TIMEOUT')),
api_region=dict(default=os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_REGION') or 'cloudstack'),
def cs_required_together():
return [['api_key', 'api_secret']]
class AnsibleCloudStack:
def __init__(self, module):
if not HAS_LIB_CS:
module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cs'), exception=CS_IMP_ERR)
self.result = {
'changed': False,
'diff': {
'before': dict(),
'after': dict()
# Common returns, will be merged with self.returns
# search_for_key: replace_with_key
self.common_returns = {
'id': 'id',
'name': 'name',
'created': 'created',
'zonename': 'zone',
'state': 'state',
'project': 'project',
'account': 'account',
'domain': 'domain',
'displaytext': 'display_text',
'displayname': 'display_name',
'description': 'description',
# Init returns dict for use in subclasses
self.returns = {}
# these values will be casted to int
self.returns_to_int = {}
# these keys will be compared case sensitive in self.has_changed()
self.case_sensitive_keys = [
self.module = module
self._cs = None
# Helper for VPCs
self._vpc_networks_ids = None
self.domain = None
self.account = None
self.project = None
self.ip_address = None
self.network = None
self.physical_network = None
self.vpc = None
self.zone = None
self.vm = None
self.vm_default_nic = None
self.os_type = None
self.hypervisor = None
self.capabilities = None
self.network_acl = None
def cs(self):
if self._cs is None:
api_config = self.get_api_config()
self._cs = CloudStack(**api_config)
return self._cs
def get_api_config(self):
api_region = self.module.params.get('api_region') or os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_REGION')
config = read_config(api_region)
except KeyError:
config = {}
api_config = {
'endpoint': self.module.params.get('api_url') or config.get('endpoint'),
'key': self.module.params.get('api_key') or config.get('key'),
'secret': self.module.params.get('api_secret') or config.get('secret'),
'timeout': self.module.params.get('api_timeout') or config.get('timeout') or 10,
'method': self.module.params.get('api_http_method') or config.get('method') or 'get',
'api_region': api_region,
'api_url': api_config['endpoint'],
'api_key': api_config['key'],
'api_timeout': int(api_config['timeout']),
'api_http_method': api_config['method'],
if not all([api_config['endpoint'], api_config['key'], api_config['secret']]):
self.fail_json(msg="Missing api credentials: can not authenticate")
return api_config
def fail_json(self, **kwargs):
def get_or_fallback(self, key=None, fallback_key=None):
value = self.module.params.get(key)
if not value:
value = self.module.params.get(fallback_key)
return value
def has_changed(self, want_dict, current_dict, only_keys=None, skip_diff_for_keys=None):
result = False
for key, value in want_dict.items():
# Optionally limit by a list of keys
if only_keys and key not in only_keys:
# Skip None values
if value is None:
if key in current_dict:
if isinstance(value, (int, float, long, complex)):
# ensure we compare the same type
if isinstance(value, int):
current_dict[key] = int(current_dict[key])
elif isinstance(value, float):
current_dict[key] = float(current_dict[key])
elif isinstance(value, long):
current_dict[key] = long(current_dict[key])
elif isinstance(value, complex):
current_dict[key] = complex(current_dict[key])
if value != current_dict[key]:
if skip_diff_for_keys and key not in skip_diff_for_keys:
self.result['diff']['before'][key] = current_dict[key]
self.result['diff']['after'][key] = value
result = True
before_value = to_text(current_dict[key])
after_value = to_text(value)
if self.case_sensitive_keys and key in self.case_sensitive_keys:
if before_value != after_value:
if skip_diff_for_keys and key not in skip_diff_for_keys:
self.result['diff']['before'][key] = before_value
self.result['diff']['after'][key] = after_value
result = True
# Test for diff in case insensitive way
elif before_value.lower() != after_value.lower():
if skip_diff_for_keys and key not in skip_diff_for_keys:
self.result['diff']['before'][key] = before_value
self.result['diff']['after'][key] = after_value
result = True
if skip_diff_for_keys and key not in skip_diff_for_keys:
self.result['diff']['before'][key] = None
self.result['diff']['after'][key] = to_text(value)
result = True
return result
def _get_by_key(self, key=None, my_dict=None):
if my_dict is None:
my_dict = {}
if key:
if key in my_dict:
return my_dict[key]
self.fail_json(msg="Something went wrong: %s not found" % key)
return my_dict
def query_api(self, command, **args):
res = getattr(self.cs, command)(**args)
if 'errortext' in res:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['errortext'])
except CloudStackException as e:
self.fail_json(msg='CloudStackException: %s' % to_native(e))
except Exception as e:
return res
def get_network_acl(self, key=None):
if self.network_acl is None:
args = {
'name': self.module.params.get('network_acl'),
'vpcid': self.get_vpc(key='id'),
network_acls = self.query_api('listNetworkACLLists', **args)
if network_acls:
self.network_acl = network_acls['networkacllist'][0]
self.result['network_acl'] = self.network_acl['name']
if self.network_acl:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.network_acl)
self.fail_json(msg="Network ACL %s not found" % self.module.params.get('network_acl'))
def get_vpc(self, key=None):
"""Return a VPC dictionary or the value of given key of."""
if self.vpc:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.vpc)
vpc = self.module.params.get('vpc')
if not vpc:
vpc = os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_VPC')
if not vpc:
return None
args = {
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'),
'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id'),
vpcs = self.query_api('listVPCs', **args)
if not vpcs:
self.fail_json(msg="No VPCs available.")
for v in vpcs['vpc']:
if vpc in [v['name'], v['displaytext'], v['id']]:
# Fail if the identifyer matches more than one VPC
if self.vpc:
self.fail_json(msg="More than one VPC found with the provided identifyer '%s'" % vpc)
self.vpc = v
self.result['vpc'] = v['name']
if self.vpc:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.vpc)
self.fail_json(msg="VPC '%s' not found" % vpc)
def is_vpc_network(self, network_id):
"""Returns True if network is in VPC."""
# This is an efficient way to query a lot of networks at a time
if self._vpc_networks_ids is None:
args = {
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'),
'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id'),
vpcs = self.query_api('listVPCs', **args)
self._vpc_networks_ids = []
if vpcs:
for vpc in vpcs['vpc']:
for n in vpc.get('network', []):
return network_id in self._vpc_networks_ids
def get_physical_network(self, key=None):
if self.physical_network:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.physical_network)
physical_network = self.module.params.get('physical_network')
args = {
'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id')
physical_networks = self.query_api('listPhysicalNetworks', **args)
if not physical_networks:
self.fail_json(msg="No physical networks available.")
for net in physical_networks['physicalnetwork']:
if physical_network in [net['name'], net['id']]:
self.physical_network = net
self.result['physical_network'] = net['name']
return self._get_by_key(key, self.physical_network)
self.fail_json(msg="Physical Network '%s' not found" % physical_network)
def get_network(self, key=None):
"""Return a network dictionary or the value of given key of."""
if self.network:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.network)
network = self.module.params.get('network')
if not network:
vpc_name = self.get_vpc(key='name')
if vpc_name:
self.fail_json(msg="Could not find network for VPC '%s' due missing argument: network" % vpc_name)
return None
args = {
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'),
'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id'),
'vpcid': self.get_vpc(key='id')
networks = self.query_api('listNetworks', **args)
if not networks:
self.fail_json(msg="No networks available.")
for n in networks['network']:
# ignore any VPC network if vpc param is not given
if 'vpcid' in n and not self.get_vpc(key='id'):
if network in [n['displaytext'], n['name'], n['id']]:
self.result['network'] = n['name']
self.network = n
return self._get_by_key(key, self.network)
self.fail_json(msg="Network '%s' not found" % network)
def get_project(self, key=None):
if self.project:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.project)
project = self.module.params.get('project')
if not project:
project = os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_PROJECT')
if not project:
return None
args = {
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id')
projects = self.query_api('listProjects', **args)
if projects:
for p in projects['project']:
if project.lower() in [p['name'].lower(), p['id']]:
self.result['project'] = p['name']
self.project = p
return self._get_by_key(key, self.project)
self.fail_json(msg="project '%s' not found" % project)
def get_ip_address(self, key=None):
if self.ip_address:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.ip_address)
ip_address = self.module.params.get('ip_address')
if not ip_address:
self.fail_json(msg="IP address param 'ip_address' is required")
args = {
'ipaddress': ip_address,
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'),
'vpcid': self.get_vpc(key='id'),
ip_addresses = self.query_api('listPublicIpAddresses', **args)
if not ip_addresses:
self.fail_json(msg="IP address '%s' not found" % args['ipaddress'])
self.ip_address = ip_addresses['publicipaddress'][0]
return self._get_by_key(key, self.ip_address)
def get_vm_guest_ip(self):
vm_guest_ip = self.module.params.get('vm_guest_ip')
default_nic = self.get_vm_default_nic()
if not vm_guest_ip:
return default_nic['ipaddress']
for secondary_ip in default_nic['secondaryip']:
if vm_guest_ip == secondary_ip['ipaddress']:
return vm_guest_ip
self.fail_json(msg="Secondary IP '%s' not assigned to VM" % vm_guest_ip)
def get_vm_default_nic(self):
if self.vm_default_nic:
return self.vm_default_nic
nics = self.query_api('listNics', virtualmachineid=self.get_vm(key='id'))
if nics:
for n in nics['nic']:
if n['isdefault']:
self.vm_default_nic = n
return self.vm_default_nic
self.fail_json(msg="No default IP address of VM '%s' found" % self.module.params.get('vm'))
def get_vm(self, key=None, filter_zone=True):
if self.vm:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.vm)
vm = self.module.params.get('vm')
if not vm:
self.fail_json(msg="Virtual machine param 'vm' is required")
args = {
'account': self.get_account(key='name'),
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'projectid': self.get_project(key='id'),
'zoneid': self.get_zone(key='id') if filter_zone else None,
'fetch_list': True,
vms = self.query_api('listVirtualMachines', **args)
if vms:
for v in vms:
if vm.lower() in [v['name'].lower(), v['displayname'].lower(), v['id']]:
self.vm = v
return self._get_by_key(key, self.vm)
self.fail_json(msg="Virtual machine '%s' not found" % vm)
def get_disk_offering(self, key=None):
disk_offering = self.module.params.get('disk_offering')
if not disk_offering:
return None
# Do not add domain filter for disk offering listing.
disk_offerings = self.query_api('listDiskOfferings')
if disk_offerings:
for d in disk_offerings['diskoffering']:
if disk_offering in [d['displaytext'], d['name'], d['id']]:
return self._get_by_key(key, d)
self.fail_json(msg="Disk offering '%s' not found" % disk_offering)
def get_zone(self, key=None):
if self.zone:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.zone)
zone = self.module.params.get('zone')
if not zone:
zone = os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_ZONE')
zones = self.query_api('listZones')
if not zones:
self.fail_json(msg="No zones available. Please create a zone first")
# use the first zone if no zone param given
if not zone:
self.zone = zones['zone'][0]
self.result['zone'] = self.zone['name']
return self._get_by_key(key, self.zone)
if zones:
for z in zones['zone']:
if zone.lower() in [z['name'].lower(), z['id']]:
self.result['zone'] = z['name']
self.zone = z
return self._get_by_key(key, self.zone)
self.fail_json(msg="zone '%s' not found" % zone)
def get_os_type(self, key=None):
if self.os_type:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.zone)
os_type = self.module.params.get('os_type')
if not os_type:
return None
os_types = self.query_api('listOsTypes')
if os_types:
for o in os_types['ostype']:
if os_type in [o['description'], o['id']]:
self.os_type = o
return self._get_by_key(key, self.os_type)
self.fail_json(msg="OS type '%s' not found" % os_type)
def get_hypervisor(self):
if self.hypervisor:
return self.hypervisor
hypervisor = self.module.params.get('hypervisor')
hypervisors = self.query_api('listHypervisors')
# use the first hypervisor if no hypervisor param given
if not hypervisor:
self.hypervisor = hypervisors['hypervisor'][0]['name']
return self.hypervisor
for h in hypervisors['hypervisor']:
if hypervisor.lower() == h['name'].lower():
self.hypervisor = h['name']
return self.hypervisor
self.fail_json(msg="Hypervisor '%s' not found" % hypervisor)
def get_account(self, key=None):
if self.account:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.account)
account = self.module.params.get('account')
if not account:
account = os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_ACCOUNT')
if not account:
return None
domain = self.module.params.get('domain')
if not domain:
self.fail_json(msg="Account must be specified with Domain")
args = {
'name': account,
'domainid': self.get_domain(key='id'),
'listall': True
accounts = self.query_api('listAccounts', **args)
if accounts:
self.account = accounts['account'][0]
self.result['account'] = self.account['name']
return self._get_by_key(key, self.account)
self.fail_json(msg="Account '%s' not found" % account)
def get_domain(self, key=None):
if self.domain:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.domain)
domain = self.module.params.get('domain')
if not domain:
domain = os.environ.get('CLOUDSTACK_DOMAIN')
if not domain:
return None
args = {
'listall': True,
domains = self.query_api('listDomains', **args)
if domains:
for d in domains['domain']:
if d['path'].lower() in [domain.lower(), "root/" + domain.lower(), "root" + domain.lower()]:
self.domain = d
self.result['domain'] = d['path']
return self._get_by_key(key, self.domain)
self.fail_json(msg="Domain '%s' not found" % domain)
def query_tags(self, resource, resource_type):
args = {
'resourceid': resource['id'],
'resourcetype': resource_type,
tags = self.query_api('listTags', **args)
return self.get_tags(resource=tags, key='tag')
def get_tags(self, resource=None, key='tags'):
existing_tags = []
for tag in resource.get(key) or []:
existing_tags.append({'key': tag['key'], 'value': tag['value']})
return existing_tags
def _process_tags(self, resource, resource_type, tags, operation="create"):
if tags:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
args = {
'resourceids': resource['id'],
'resourcetype': resource_type,
'tags': tags,
if operation == "create":
response = self.query_api('createTags', **args)
response = self.query_api('deleteTags', **args)
def _tags_that_should_exist_or_be_updated(self, resource, tags):
existing_tags = self.get_tags(resource)
return [tag for tag in tags if tag not in existing_tags]
def _tags_that_should_not_exist(self, resource, tags):
existing_tags = self.get_tags(resource)
return [tag for tag in existing_tags if tag not in tags]
def ensure_tags(self, resource, resource_type=None):
if not resource_type or not resource:
self.fail_json(msg="Error: Missing resource or resource_type for tags.")
if 'tags' in resource:
tags = self.module.params.get('tags')
if tags is not None:
self._process_tags(resource, resource_type, self._tags_that_should_not_exist(resource, tags), operation="delete")
self._process_tags(resource, resource_type, self._tags_that_should_exist_or_be_updated(resource, tags))
resource['tags'] = self.query_tags(resource=resource, resource_type=resource_type)
return resource
def get_capabilities(self, key=None):
if self.capabilities:
return self._get_by_key(key, self.capabilities)
capabilities = self.query_api('listCapabilities')
self.capabilities = capabilities['capability']
return self._get_by_key(key, self.capabilities)
def poll_job(self, job=None, key=None):
if 'jobid' in job:
while True:
res = self.query_api('queryAsyncJobResult', jobid=job['jobid'])
if res['jobstatus'] != 0 and 'jobresult' in res:
if 'errortext' in res['jobresult']:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['jobresult']['errortext'])
if key and key in res['jobresult']:
job = res['jobresult'][key]
return job
def update_result(self, resource, result=None):
if result is None:
result = dict()
if resource:
returns = self.common_returns.copy()
for search_key, return_key in returns.items():
if search_key in resource:
result[return_key] = resource[search_key]
# Bad bad API does not always return int when it should.
for search_key, return_key in self.returns_to_int.items():
if search_key in resource:
result[return_key] = int(resource[search_key])
if 'tags' in resource:
result['tags'] = resource['tags']
return result
def get_result(self, resource):
return self.update_result(resource, self.result)
def get_result_and_facts(self, facts_name, resource):
result = self.get_result(resource)
ansible_facts = {
facts_name: result.copy()
for k in ['diff', 'changed']:
if k in ansible_facts[facts_name]:
del ansible_facts[facts_name][k]
return result