2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
__metaclass__ = type
import errno
2016-04-12 07:10:45 -07:00
import json
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
import sys
import time
2016-04-12 07:10:45 -07:00
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
import pytest
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
from ansible.compat.tests import unittest
from ansible.compat.tests.mock import call, MagicMock, Mock, patch, sentinel
2017-05-30 19:05:19 +02:00
from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3
import ansible.module_utils.basic
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
2016-04-14 09:06:38 -07:00
from units.mock.procenv import swap_stdin_and_argv
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
2016-02-26 16:42:18 -08:00
class OpenBytesIO(BytesIO):
"""BytesIO with dummy close() method
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
So that you can inspect the content after close() was called.
def close(self):
2016-01-20 09:04:44 -08:00
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
class TestAnsibleModuleRunCommand(unittest.TestCase):
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
def run_command_mocked_env(self, mocker):
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.cmd_out = {
# os.read() is returning 'bytes', not strings
sentinel.stdout: BytesIO(),
sentinel.stderr: BytesIO(),
def mock_os_read(fd, nbytes):
return self.cmd_out[fd].read(nbytes)
def mock_select(rlist, wlist, xlist, timeout=1):
return (rlist, [], [])
def mock_os_chdir(path):
if path == '/inaccessible':
raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Permission denied: '/inaccessible'")
2016-12-22 16:19:50 +08:00
def mock_os_abspath(path):
if path.startswith('/'):
return path
2017-05-30 19:05:19 +02:00
return self.os.getcwd.return_value + '/' + path
2016-12-22 16:19:50 +08:00
2016-05-12 20:30:05 -07:00
args = json.dumps(dict(ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS={}))
2016-04-14 09:06:38 -07:00
# unittest doesn't have a clean place to use a context manager, so we have to enter/exit manually
self.stdin_swap = swap_stdin_and_argv(stdin_data=args)
2016-05-14 06:09:13 +02:00
ansible.module_utils.basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = None
self.module = ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict())
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.module.fail_json = MagicMock(side_effect=SystemExit)
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
self.os = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.os')
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.os.path.expandvars.side_effect = lambda x: x
self.os.path.expanduser.side_effect = lambda x: x
self.os.environ = {'PATH': '/bin'}
self.os.getcwd.return_value = '/home/foo'
self.os.path.isdir.return_value = True
self.os.chdir.side_effect = mock_os_chdir
self.os.read.side_effect = mock_os_read
2016-12-22 16:19:50 +08:00
self.os.path.abspath.side_effect = mock_os_abspath
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
self.subprocess = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.subprocess')
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.cmd = Mock()
self.cmd.returncode = 0
2016-02-26 16:42:18 -08:00
self.cmd.stdin = OpenBytesIO()
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.cmd.stdout.fileno.return_value = sentinel.stdout
self.cmd.stderr.fileno.return_value = sentinel.stderr
self.subprocess.Popen.return_value = self.cmd
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
self.select = mocker.patch('ansible.module_utils.basic.select')
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
self.select.select.side_effect = mock_select
2017-01-30 13:51:27 -08:00
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
2016-04-14 09:06:38 -07:00
# unittest doesn't have a clean place to use a context manager, so we have to enter/exit manually
self.stdin_swap.__exit__(None, None, None)
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
def test_list_as_args(self):
self.module.run_command(['/bin/ls', 'a', ' b', 'c '])
args, kwargs = self.subprocess.Popen.call_args
self.assertEqual(args, (['/bin/ls', 'a', ' b', 'c '], ))
self.assertEqual(kwargs['shell'], False)
def test_str_as_args(self):
self.module.run_command('/bin/ls a " b" "c "')
args, kwargs = self.subprocess.Popen.call_args
self.assertEqual(args, (['/bin/ls', 'a', ' b', 'c '], ))
self.assertEqual(kwargs['shell'], False)
def test_tuple_as_args(self):
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.module.run_command, ('ls', '/'))
def test_unsafe_shell(self):
self.module.run_command('ls a " b" "c "', use_unsafe_shell=True)
args, kwargs = self.subprocess.Popen.call_args
self.assertEqual(args, ('ls a " b" "c "', ))
self.assertEqual(kwargs['shell'], True)
def test_cwd(self):
self.os.getcwd.return_value = '/old'
self.module.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='/new')
[call('/new'), call('/old'), ])
2016-12-22 16:19:50 +08:00
def test_cwd_relative_path(self):
self.os.getcwd.return_value = '/old'
self.module.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='sub-dir')
[call('/old/sub-dir'), call('/old'), ])
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
def test_cwd_not_a_dir(self):
self.os.getcwd.return_value = '/old'
self.os.path.isdir.side_effect = lambda d: d != '/not-a-dir'
self.module.run_command('/bin/ls', cwd='/not-a-dir')
self.assertEqual(self.os.chdir.mock_calls, [call('/old'), ])
def test_cwd_inaccessible(self):
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.module.run_command, '/bin/ls', cwd='/inaccessible')
args, kwargs = self.module.fail_json.call_args
self.assertEqual(kwargs['rc'], errno.EPERM)
def test_prompt_bad_regex(self):
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.module.run_command, 'foo', prompt_regex='[pP)assword:')
def test_prompt_no_match(self):
self.cmd_out[sentinel.stdout] = BytesIO(b'hello')
(rc, _, _) = self.module.run_command('foo', prompt_regex='[pP]assword:')
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
def test_prompt_match_wo_data(self):
self.cmd_out[sentinel.stdout] = BytesIO(b'Authentication required!\nEnter password: ')
(rc, _, _) = self.module.run_command('foo', prompt_regex=r'[pP]assword:', data=None)
self.assertEqual(rc, 257)
def test_check_rc_false(self):
self.cmd.returncode = 1
(rc, _, _) = self.module.run_command('/bin/false', check_rc=False)
self.assertEqual(rc, 1)
def test_check_rc_true(self):
self.cmd.returncode = 1
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.module.run_command, '/bin/false', check_rc=True)
args, kwargs = self.module.fail_json.call_args
self.assertEqual(kwargs['rc'], 1)
def test_text_stdin(self):
(rc, stdout, stderr) = self.module.run_command('/bin/foo', data='hello world')
2016-06-04 16:19:57 -07:00
self.assertEqual(self.cmd.stdin.getvalue(), b'hello world\n')
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
def test_ascii_stdout(self):
self.cmd_out[sentinel.stdout] = BytesIO(b'hello')
(rc, stdout, stderr) = self.module.run_command('/bin/cat hello.txt')
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
2016-10-03 18:45:28 -07:00
# module_utils function. On py3 it returns text and py2 it returns
# bytes because it's returning native strings
if PY3:
self.assertEqual(stdout, u'hello')
self.assertEqual(stdout, b'hello')
2015-11-13 13:22:21 +01:00
def test_utf8_output(self):
self.cmd_out[sentinel.stdout] = BytesIO(u'Žarn§'.encode('utf-8'))
self.cmd_out[sentinel.stderr] = BytesIO(u'لرئيسية'.encode('utf-8'))
(rc, stdout, stderr) = self.module.run_command('/bin/something_ugly')
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
2016-10-03 18:45:28 -07:00
# module_utils function. On py3 it returns text and py2 it returns
# bytes because it's returning native strings
if PY3:
self.assertEqual(stdout, u'Žarn§')
self.assertEqual(stderr, u'لرئيسية')
self.assertEqual(stdout.decode('utf-8'), u'Žarn§')
self.assertEqual(stderr.decode('utf-8'), u'لرئيسية')