Ansible is a extra-simple Python API for doing 'remote things' over SSH.
As Func, which I co-wrote, aspired to avoid using SSH and have it's own daemon infrastructure, Ansible aspires to be quite different and more minimal, but still able to grow more modularly over time.
* Dead simple setup
* No server or client daemons, uses existing SSHd
* Only SSH keys are allowed for authentication
* usage of ssh-agent is more or less required
* plugins can be written in ANY language
* as with Func, API usage is an equal citizen to CLI usage
* python 2.6 -- or a backport of the multiprocessing module
* paramiko
Inventory file
The default inventory file (-H) is ~/.ansible_hosts and is a list
of all hostnames to target with ansible, one per line.
This list is further filtered by the pattern wildcard (-P) to target