The roadmap will be updated by version. Based on team and community feedback, an initial roadmap will be published for a major or minor version (2.0, 2.1). Subminor versions will generally not have roadmaps published.
This is the first time we've published this and asked for feedback in this manner. So feedback on the roadmap and the new process is quite welcome. We are aiming for further transparency and better inclusion of both community desires and submissions.
These are our *best guess* roadmaps based on our own experience and based on requests and feedback from the community. There are things that may not make it on due to time constraints, lack of community maintainers, etc. And there may be things we missed, so each roadmap is published both as an idea of what is upcoming in Ansible, and as a medium for seeking further feedback from the community. Here are the good places for you to submit feedback:
* Replicate python module API in PS/C# (deprecate hodgepodge of stuff from module_utils/powershell.ps1)
* Network
* Cisco modules (ios, iosxr, nxos, iosxe)
* Arista modules (eos)
* Juniper modules (junos)
* OpenSwitch
* Cumulus
* Dell (os10) - At risk
* Netconf shared module
* Hooks for supporting Tower credentials
* VMware (This one is a little at risk due to staffing. We're investigating some community maintainers and shifting some people at Ansible around, but it is a VERY high priority).
* vsphere\_guest brought to parity with other vmware modules (vs Viasat and 'whereismyjetpack' provided modules)
* VMware modules moved to official pyvmomi bindings
* VMware inventory script updates for pyvmomi, adding tagging support
* Azure (Notes: This is on hold until microsoft releases a working code generator. We have basic modules working against all of these resources. Could ship it against current SDK, but may break. Or should we pin the version?)
* Minimal Azure coverage using new ARM api
* Resource Group
* Virtual Network
* Subnet
* Public IP
* Network Interface
* Storage Account
* Security Group
* Virtual Machine
* Update of inventory script to use new API, adding tagging support
* Docker:
* Start Docker module refactor
* Update to match current docker CLI capabilities
* Docker exec support
* Upgrade other cloud modules or work with community maintainers to upgrade. (In order)
* New modules will be able to use ziploader. Old modules will need to be ported in future releases (Some modules will not need porting but others will)
* Better testing of modules, caching of modules clientside(Have not yet arrived at an architecture for this that we like), better code sharing between ansible/ansible and modules