2017-11-21 22:49:38 +01:00
- name : expect failure when state is not a valid option
win_updates :
state : invalid
register : invalid_state
2018-01-11 05:41:52 +01:00
failed_when : invalid_state.msg != 'state must be either installed or searched'
2017-11-21 22:49:38 +01:00
- name : expect failure with invalid category name
win_updates :
state : searched
category_names :
- Invalid
register : invalid_category_name
failed_when : invalid_category_name.msg != 'Unknown category_name Invalid, must be one of (Application,Connectors,CriticalUpdates,DefinitionUpdates,DeveloperKits,FeaturePacks,Guidance,SecurityUpdates,ServicePacks,Tools,UpdateRollups,Updates)'
- name : ensure log file not present before tests
win_file :
path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
state : absent
- name : search for updates without log output
win_updates :
state : searched
category_names :
- CriticalUpdates
register : update_search_without_log
- name : get stat of update without log file
win_stat :
path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
register : update_search_without_log_actual
- name : assert search for updates without log output
assert :
that :
- not update_search_without_log is changed
- update_search_without_log.reboot_required == False
- update_search_without_log.updates is defined
- update_search_without_log.installed_update_count is defined
- update_search_without_log.found_update_count is defined
- update_search_without_log_actual.stat.exists == False
- name : search for updates with log output (check)
win_updates :
state : searched
2018-02-14 21:14:06 +01:00
category_names : CriticalUpdates
2017-11-21 22:49:38 +01:00
log_path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
register : update_search_with_log_check
check_mode : yes
- name : get stat of update log file (check)
win_stat :
path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
register : update_search_with_log_check_actual
- name : assert search for updates with log output
assert :
that :
- not update_search_with_log_check is changed
- update_search_with_log_check.reboot_required == False
- update_search_with_log_check.updates is defined
- update_search_with_log_check.installed_update_count is defined
- update_search_with_log_check.found_update_count is defined
- update_search_with_log_check_actual.stat.exists == False
- name : search for updates with log output
win_updates :
state : searched
category_names :
- CriticalUpdates
log_path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
register : update_search_with_log
- name : get stat of update log file
win_stat :
path : '{{win_updates_dir}}/update.log'
register : update_search_with_log_actual
- name : assert search for updates with log output
assert :
that :
- not update_search_with_log is changed
- update_search_with_log.reboot_required == False
- update_search_with_log.updates is defined
- update_search_with_log.installed_update_count is defined
- update_search_with_log.found_update_count is defined
- update_search_with_log_actual.stat.exists
- name : ensure WUA service is stopped for tests
win_service :
name : wuauserv
state : stopped
start_mode : disabled
- name : expect failed when running with stopped WUA service
win_updates :
state : searched
category_names :
- CriticalUpdates
register : update_service_stopped_failed
failed_when :
- "'Failed to search for updates with criteria' not in update_service_stopped_failed.msg"
- "'The service cannot be started' not in update_service_stopped_failed.msg"