--- - name: combine sshd variable set_fact: sshd: "{{ _sshd|combine(sshd, recursive=True) }}" - include_tasks: versioncheck.yml when: submodules_versioncheck|bool - name: set sshd_service variable block: - name: read os specific variable include_vars: "vars/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml" rescue: - name: read default variable include_vars: vars/default.yml #- name: Collect all users and groups allowed to login via ssh # set_fact: # sshd_allow_users: '{{ sshd_default_allowed_users + users.keys() | default({}) | sort }}' # sshd_allow_groups: '{{ sshd_default_allowed_groups + users.keys() | default({}) | sort }}' - name: Copy sshd configuration become: yes template: src: sshd_config.j2 dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' owner: root group: root mode: 'u=rw,g=r,o=r' # validate: /usr/sbin/sshd -t -f %s backup: yes notify: - systemctrl restart ssh - pause: - name: Generate new ecdsa ssh host key pair if necessary become: yes command: ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key' -P '' -q args: chdir: '/etc/ssh/' creates: 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub' notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - generate_ecdsa_too | bool - name: Generate new ed25519 ssh host key pair if necessary become: yes command: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f 'ssh_host_ed25519_key' -P '' -q args: chdir: '/etc/ssh/' creates: 'ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub' notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - ansible_distribution_release != 'wheezy' - name: Remove unwanted host keys become: yes file: path: '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_{{ item }}_key' state: absent with_items: - rsa - dsa notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - generate_ecdsa_too | bool - ansible_distribution_release != 'wheezy' - do_not_delete_legacy_ssh_keys | bool - name: Remove unwanted host keys become: yes file: path: '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_{{ item }}_key' state: absent with_items: - ecdsa - rsa - dsa notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - not generate_ecdsa_too | bool - ansible_distribution_release != 'wheezy' - do_not_delete_legacy_ssh_keys | bool - name: make sure the correct keys are available file: path: '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_{{ item }}_key.pub' state: absent become: yes with_items: - ecdsa - rsa - dsa notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - not generate_ecdsa_too | bool - ansible_distribution_release != 'wheezy' - do_not_delete_legacy_ssh_keys | bool - name: make sure the correct keys are available except ecdsa file: path: '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_{{ item }}_key.pub' state: absent become: yes with_items: - rsa - dsa notify: - systemctrl restart ssh when: - generate_ecdsa_too | bool - ansible_distribution_release != 'wheezy' - do_not_delete_legacy_ssh_keys | bool