Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/roles-ansible/ansible_role_restic_archiver.git synced 2024-08-16 10:09:49 +02:00

137 lines
4.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# {{ ansible_managed }}
# This file is to cleanup your backup archive and move some snapshots to a external storage.
{% for repo in restic_archiver__repos %}
define macro:
how fast should we delete snapshots?
Variables are defined via defaults!
{% macro retention_pattern(repo) -%}
{% if repo.keep_last is defined and repo.keep_last != None -%}
--keep-last {{ repo.keep_last }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-last {{ restic_archiver__keep }}
{%- endif %} \
{% if repo.keep_hourly is defined and repo.keep_hourly != None -%}
--keep-hourly {{ repo.keep_hourly }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-hourly {{ restic_archiver__keep_hourly }}
{%- endif %} \
{% if repo.keep_daily is defined and repo.keep_daily != None -%}
--keep-daily {{ repo.keep_daily }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-daily {{ restic_archiver__keep_daily }}
{%- endif %} \
{% if repo.keep_weekly is defined and repo.keep_weekly != None -%}
--keep-weekly {{ repo.keep_weekly }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-weekly {{ restic_archiver__keep_weekly }}
{%- endif %} \
{% if repo.keep_monthly is defined and repo.keep_monthly != None -%}
--keep-monthly {{ repo.keep_monthly }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-monthly {{ restic_archiver__keep_monthly }}
{%- endif %} \
{% if repo.keep_yearly is defined and repo.keep_yearly != None -%}
--keep-yearly {{ repo.keep_yearly }}
{%- else -%}
--keep-yearly {{ restic_archiver__keep_yearly }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if repo.keep_within is defined and repo.keep_within != None %} \
--keep-within {{ repo.keep_within }} {% endif -%}
{%- if repo.prune|default(false) %} \
--prune {% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% if restic_archiver__mail_report | default(false) %}
# collect info about last snapshot for mail report
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} stats latest | grep Total
{% endif %}
{% if restic_archiver__mount_required %}
if mountpoint -q {{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }}
echo "{{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }} is mounted"
mount -a
{% endif %}
set -euxo pipefail
# Settings for Server {{ repo['name'] | string }}
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="{{ repo['location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD='{{ repo['password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
BACKUP_NAME="{{ repo.name }}"
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} forget {{ retention_pattern(repo) }}
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} check
{% if repo.archive|default(false) %}
# ARCHIVE Settings for Server "{{ repo['name'] | string }}"
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="{{ repo['archive_location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD='{{ repo['archive_password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY2="{{ repo['location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD2='{{ repo['password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
BACKUP_NAME="{{ repo.name }}_archive"
# init repo if it does not exist
if ([ -z "$(restic cat config)" ]) 2>/dev/null; then
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} init --copy-chunker-params
{% if restic_archiver__mount_required %}
set +euxo pipefail
if mountpoint -q {{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }}
echo "{{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }} is mounted"
mount -a
set -euxo pipefail
{% endif %}
# ARCHIVE Settings for Server "{{ repo['name'] | string }}"
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY2="{{ repo['archive_location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD2='{{ repo['archive_password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="{{ repo['location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD='{{ repo['password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
# transfer snapshots to archive
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} copy
{% if repo.archive_cleanup %}
{% if restic_archiver__mount_required %}
set +euxo pipefail
if mountpoint -q {{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }}
echo "{{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }} is mounted"
mount -a
set -euxo pipefail
{% endif %}
# ARCHIVE CLEANUP Settings for Server "{{ repo['name'] | string }}"
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="{{ repo['archive_location'] }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD='{{ repo['archive_password'] | regex_replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') }}' 2>/dev/null
BACKUP_NAME="{{ repo.name }}_archive"
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} forget {{ retention_pattern(repo) }}
{% endif %}
restic {{ restic_archiver__default_opt }} check
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
set +euxo pipefail
{% if restic_archiver__umount_after_usage %}
umount {{ restic_archiver__mount_disk }}
{% endif %}