--- i3_keybindings_extra: [] # - keybinding: # name: example # key: $mod+Shift+F10 # exec: --no-startup-id touch /tmp/example.txt i3_monitors: [] # see: xrandr # - monitor: # id: 1 # output: "VGA-1" # mode: "1920x1080" # pos: "0x0" # rotate: "normal" # workspaces: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0] # bind workspace to a specific monitor i3_applications: [] # - application: # class: "Firefox" # name: "firefox" # workspace: 1 # bind application to a specific workspace # on_startup: false i3_run_on_startup: [] # - foo # - bar i3: font_size: 9 focus_follows_mouse: true i3lock_options: "i3lock --color 5eba5e" i3_desktop_env: background: "~/wallpaper.jpg" i3_packages_extra: - ranger