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Ansible role to configure and deploy gitea, a painless self-hosted Git service.
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ansible role gitea

This role installs and manages gitea - Git with a cup of tea. A painless self-hosted Git service. Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. Source code & screenshots.

Sample example of use in a playbook

The following code has been tested with the latest Debian Stable, it should work on Ubuntu and RedHat as well.

# ansible-galaxy install do1jlr.gitea

- name: "Install gitea"
  hosts: git.example.com
    - {role: do1jlr.gitea, tags: gitea}
    # Here we assume we are behind a reverse proxy that will
    # handle https for us, so we bind on localhost:3000 using HTTP
    gitea_fqdn: 'git.example.com'
    gitea_root_url: 'https://git.example.com'
    gitea_protocol: http

    gitea_start_ssh: true


Here is a deeper insight into the variables of this gitea role. For the exact function of some variables and the possibility to add more options we recommend a look at this config cheat sheet.

gitea update mechanism

To determine which gitea version to install, you can choose between two variants. Either you define exactly which release you install. Or you use the option latest to always install the latest release from the gitea releases.

gitea update

variable name default value description
gitea_version latest Define either the exact release to install (eg. 1.16.0) or use latest (default) to install the latest release.
gitea_version_check true Check if installed version != gitea_version before initiating binary download
gitea_gpg_key 7C9E68152594688862D62AF62D9AE806EC1592E2 the gpg key the gitea binary is signed with
gitea_gpg_server hkps://keys.openpgp.org A gpg key server where this role can download the gpg key
gitea_backup_on_upgrade false Optionally a backup can be created with every update of gitea.
gitea_backup_location {{ gitea_home }}/backups/ Where to store the gitea backup if one is created with this role.
submodules_versioncheck false a simple version check that can prevent you from accidentally running an older version of this role. (recomended)

gitea in the linux world

variable name default value description
gitea_group gitea Primary UNIX group used by Gitea
gitea_groups null Optionally a list of secondary UNIX groups used by Gitea
gitea_home /var/lib/gitea Base directory to work
gitea_user_home {{ gitea_home }} home of gitea user
gitea_executable_path /usr/local/bin/gitea Path for gitea executable
gitea_configuraion_path /etc/gitea Where to put the gitea.ini config
gitea_shell /bin/false UNIX shell used by gitea. Set it to /bin/bash if you don't use the gitea built-in ssh server.
gitea_systemd_cap_net_bind_service false Adds AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE to systemd service file

Overall (DEFAULT)

variable name default value description
gitea_app_name Gitea Displayed application name
gitea_user gitea UNIX user used by Gitea
gitea_run_mode prod Application run mode, affects performance and debugging. Either “dev”, “prod” or “test”.

Repository (repository)

variable name default value description
gitea_default_branch main Default branch name of all repositories.
gitea_default_private last Default private when creating a new repository. [last, private, public]
gitea_default_repo_units (see defaults) Comma separated list of default repo units. See official docs for more
gitea_disabled_repo_units Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units.
gitea_disable_http_git false Disable the ability to interact with repositories over the HTTP protocol. (true/false)
gitea_disable_stars false Disable stars feature.
gitea_enable_push_create_org false Allow users to push local repositories to Gitea and have them automatically created for an org.
gitea_enable_push_create_user false Allow users to push local repositories to Gitea and have them automatically created for an user.
gitea_force_private false Force every new repository to be private.
gitea_user_repo_limit -1 Limit how many repos a user can have (-1 for unlimited)
gitea_repository_root {{ gitea_home }}/repos Root path for storing all repository data. It must be an absolute path.
gitea_repository_extra_config you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [repository] section of the config.
gitea_repository_upload_extra_config you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [repository.upload] section of the config.

Repository - Signing (repository.signing)

variable name default value description
gitea_enable_repo_signing_options false Allow to configure repo signing options
gitea_repo_signing_key default Key to sign with.
gitea_repo_signing_name if a KEYID is provided as the gitea_repo_signing_key, use these as the Name and Email address of the signer.
gitea_repo_signing_email if a KEYID is provided as the gitea_repo_signing_key, use these as the Name and Email address of the signer.
gitea_repo_initial_commit always Sign initial commit.
gitea_repo_default_trust_model collaborator The default trust model used for verifying commits.
gitea_repo_wiki never Sign commits to wiki.
gitea_repo_crud_actions (see defaults) Sign CRUD actions.
gitea_repo_merges (see defaults) Sign merges.
gitea_enable_repo_signing_extra you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [repository.signing] section of the config.

CORS (cors)

| ------------- | ------------- | ----------- | | gitea_enable_cors | false | enable cors headers (disabled by default) | | gitea_cors_scheme | http | scheme of allowed requests | | gitea_cors_allow_domain | * | list of requesting domains that are allowed | | gitea_cors_allow_subdomain | false |allow subdomains of headers listed above to request | | gitea_cors_methods | (see defaults) | list of methods allowed to request | | gitea_cors_max_age | 10m | max time to cache response | | gitea_cors_allow_credentials | false | allow request with credentials | | gitea_cors_headers | Content-Type,User-Agent | additional headers that are permitted in requests | | gitea_cors_x_frame_options | SAMEORIGIN | Set the X-Frame-Options header value. | | gitea_cors_extra | | you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [cors] section of the config. |

UI (ui)

variable name default value description
gitea_show_user_email false Do you want to display email addresses ? (true/false)
gitea_theme_default auto Default theme
gitea_themes auto,gitea,arc-green List of enabled themes
gitea_ui_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [ui] section of the config.

UI - Meta (ui.meta)

variable name default value description
gitea_ui_author (see defaults) Author meta tag of the homepage.
gitea_ui_description (see defaults) Description meta tag of the homepage.
gitea_ui_keywords (see defaults) Keywords meta tag of the homepage
gitea_ui_meta_extra_config you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [ui.meta] section of the config.

Server (server)

variable name default value description
gitea_protocol http Listening protocol [http, https, fcgi, unix, fcgi+unix]
gitea_http_domain localhost Domain name of this server. Set it to the FQDN where you can reach your gitea server
gitea_root_url http://localhost:3000 Root URL used to access your web app (full URL)
gitea_http_listen HTTP listen address
gitea_http_port 3000 Bind port (redirect from 80 will be activated if value is 443)

| gitea_start_ssh | true | When enabled, use the built-in SSH server. | | gitea_ssh_domain | {{ gitea_http_domain | Domain name of this server, used for displayed clone URL | | gitea_ssh_port | 2222 | SSH port displayed in clone URL. | | gitea_ssh_listen | | Listen address for the built-in SSH server. | | gitea_offline_mode | true | Disables use of CDN for static files and Gravatar for profile pictures. (true/false) | | gitea_landing_page | home | Landing page for unauthenticated users | | gitea_lfs_server_enabled | false | Enable GIT-LFS Support (git large file storage: git-lfs). | | gitea_lfs_jwt_secret | | LFS authentication secret. Can be generated with gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET. Will be autogenerated if not defined | | gitea_redirect_other_port | false | If true and gitea_protocol is https, allows redirecting http requests on gitea_port_to_redirect to the https port Gitea listens on. | | gitea_port_to_redirect | 80 | Port for the http redirection service to listen on, if enabled | | gitea_enable_tls_certs | false | Write TLS Cert and Key Path to config file | | gitea_tls_cert_file | https/cert.pem | Cert file path used for HTTPS. | | gitea_tls_key_file | https/key.pem | Key file path used for HTTPS. | | gitea_enable_acme | false | Flag to enable automatic certificate management via an ACME capable CA Server. (default is letsencrypt) | | gitea_acme_url | | The CAs ACME directory URL | | gitea_acme_accepttos | false | This is an explicit check that you accept the terms of service of the ACME provider. | | gitea_acme_directory | https | Directory that the certificate manager will use to cache information such as certs and private keys. | | gitea_acme_email | | Email used for the ACME registration | | gitea_acme_ca_root | | The CAs root certificate. If left empty, it defaults to using the systems trust chain. | | gitea_server_extra_config | | you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [server] section of the config. |

Database (database)

variable name default value description
gitea_db_type sqlite3 The database type in use [mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlite3].
gitea_db_host Database host address and port or absolute path for unix socket [mysql, postgres] (ex: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock).
gitea_db_name root Database name
gitea_db_user gitea Database username
gitea_db_password lel Database password. PLEASE CHANGE
gitea_db_ssl disable Configure SSL only if your database type supports it. Have a look into the config-cheat-sheet for more detailed information
gitea_db_path {{ gitea_home }}/data/gitea.db DB path, if you use sqlite3.
gitea_db_log_sql false Log the executed SQL.
gitea_database_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [database] section of the config.

Indexer (indexer)

variable name default value description
gitea_repo_indexer_enabled false Enables code search (uses a lot of disk space, about 6 times more than the repository size).
gitea_repo_indexer_include Glob patterns to include in the index (comma-separated list). An empty list means include all files.
gitea_repo_indexer_exclude Glob patterns to exclude from the index (comma-separated list).
gitea_repo_exclude_vendored true Exclude vendored files from index.
gitea_repo_indexer_max_file_size 1048576 Maximum size in bytes of files to be indexed.
gitea_indexer_extra_config you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [indexer] section of the config.

Security (security)

variable name default value description
gitea_secret_key '' Global secret key. Will be autogenerated if not defined. Should be unique.
gitea_internal_token '' Internal API token. Will be autogenerated if not defined. Should be unique.
gitea_disable_git_hooks true Set to false to enable users with git hook privilege to create custom git hooks. Can be dangerous.
gitea_password_check_pwn false Check HaveIBeenPwned to see if a password has been exposed.
gitea_security_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [security] section of the config.

Service (service)

variable name default value description
gitea_disable_registration false Do you want to disable user registration? (true/false)
gitea_register_email_confirm false Enable this to ask for mail confirmation of registration. Requires gitea_mailer_enabled to be enabled.
gitea_require_signin true Do you require a signin to see repo's (even public ones)? (true/false)
gitea_default_keep_mail_private true By default set users to keep their email address privat
gitea_enable_captcha true Do you want to enable captcha's ? (true/false)
gitea_show_registration_button true Here you can hide the registration button. This will not disable registration! (true/false)
gitea_only_allow_external_registration false Set to true to force registration only using third-party services (true/false)
gitea_enable_notify_mail false Enable this to send e-mail to watchers of a repository when something happens, like creating issues (true/false)
gitea_auto_watch_new_repos true Enable this to let all organisation users watch new repos when they are created (true/false)
gitea_service_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [service] section of the config.

Mailer (mailer)

variable name default value description
gitea_mailer_enabled false Whether to enable the mailer.
gitea_mailer_host localhost:25 SMTP server hostname and port
gitea_mailer_skip_verify false Skip SMTP TLS certificate verification (true/false)
gitea_mailer_tls_enabled true Forcibly use TLS to connect even if not on a default SMTPS port.
gitea_mailer_from noreply@{{ gitea_http_domain }} Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the “Name” email@example.com format.
gitea_mailer_user '' Username of mailing user (usually the senders e-mail address).
gitea_mailer_password '' SMTP server password
gitea_subject_prefix '' Prefix to be placed before e-mail subject lines
gitea_mailer_type smtp [smtp, sendmail, dummy]
gitea_mailer_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [mailer] section of the config.

Session (session)

variable name default value description
gitea_session_provider file Session engine provider
gitea_session_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [session] section of the config.

Picture (picture)

variable name default value description
gitea_disable_gravatar true Do you want to disable Gravatar ? (privacy and so on) (true/false)
gitea_picture_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [picture] section of the config.

Issue and pull request attachments (attachment)

variable name default value description
attachment_enabled true Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled.
gitea_attachment_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [attachment] section of the config.

Log (log)

variable name default value description
gitea_log_systemd false Disable logging into file, use systemd-journald
gitea_log_level Warn General log level. [Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal, None]
gitea_log_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [log] section of the config.

Metrics (metrics)

variable name default value description
gitea_metrics_enabled false Enable the metrics endpoint
gitea_metrics_token '' Bearer token for the Prometheus scrape job

OAuth2 (oauth2)

variable name default value description
gitea_oauth2_enabled true Enable the Oauth2 provider (true/false)
gitea_oauth2_jwt_secret '' Oauth2 JWT secret. Can be generated with gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET. Will be autogenerated if not defined.
gitea_oauth2_extra_config '' you can use this variable to pass additional config parameters in the [oauth2] section of the config.

additional gitea config

variable name default value description
gitea_extra_config '' Additional gitea configuration. Have a look at the config-cheat-sheet before using it!

Fail2Ban configuration

If enabled, this will deploy a fail2ban filter and jail config for Gitea as described in the Gitea Documentation.

As this will only deploy config files, fail2ban already has to be installed or otherwise the role will fail.

variable name default value description
gitea_fail2ban_enabled false Whether to deploy the fail2ban config or not
gitea_fail2ban_jail_maxretry 10 fail2ban jail maxretry setting.
gitea_fail2ban_jail_findtime 3600 fail2ban jail findtime setting.
gitea_fail2ban_jail_bantime 900 fail2ban jail bantime setting.
gitea_fail2ban_jail_action iptables-allports fail2ban jail action setting.

optional customisation

You can optionally customize your gitea using this ansible role. We got our information about customisation from docs.gitea.io/en-us/customizing-gitea. To deploy multiple files we created the gitea_custom_search variable, that can point to the path where you put the custom gitea files ( default "files/host_files/{{ inventory_hostname }}/gitea").

  • LOGO:
    • Set gitea_customize_logo to true
    • We search for:
      • logo.svg - Used for favicon, site icon, app icon
      • logo.png - Used for Open Graph
      • favicon.png - Used as fallback for browsers that dont support SVG favicons
      • apple-touch-icon.png - Used on iOS devices for bookmarks
    • We search in (using first_found):
      • {{ gitea_custom_search }}/gitea_logo/
      • files/{{ inventory_hostname }}/gitea_logo/
      • files/{{ gitea_http_domain }}/gitea_logo/
      • files/gitea_logo/
    • Set gitea_customize_footer to true
    • We Search using first_found in:
      • "{{ gitea_custom_search }}/gitea_footer/extra_links_footer.tmpl"
      • "files/{{ inventory_hostname }}/gitea_footer/extra_links_footer.tmpl"
      • "files/{{ gitea_http_domain }}/gitea_footer/extra_links_footer.tmpl"
      • 'files/gitea_footer/extra_links_footer.tmpl'
      • 'files/extra_links_footer.tmpl'
    • Set gitea_customize_files to true
    • Create a directory with the files you want to deploy.
    • Point gitea_customize_files_path to this directory. (Default {{ gitea_custom_search }}/gitea_files/)


Don't hesitate to create a pull request, and when in doubt you can reach me on Mastodon @l3d@chaos.social.

I'm happy to fix any issue that's been opened, or even better, review your pull requests :)


There are some tests that will validate linting. A good testing CI Pipeline that will work withe the used systemd commands is still needed.

test status Github Marketplace
Galaxy release publish-ansible-role-to-galaxy
Yamllint GitHub Actions yamllint-github-action
Ansible Lint check ansible-lint action

History of this role

this ansible role was originally developed on github.com/thomas-maurice/ansible-role-gitea. Since the role there has some problems like default values for the location of the gitea repositories and the merging of pull requests usually takes several months, a fork of the role was created that offers the same. Only tidier and with the claim to react faster to issues and pull requests.