- name: Identify gitea users
  ansible.builtin.command: su - {{ gitea_user }} -c '{{ gitea_full_executable_path }} -c {{ gitea_configuration_path }}/gitea.ini admin user list'
  become: true
  register: _giteausers
  changed_when: false

- name: Use gitea cli to create user
  become: true
  ansible.builtin.command: |
    su - {{ gitea_user }} -c \
    '{{ gitea_full_executable_path }} -c {{ gitea_configuration_path }}/gitea.ini \
    admin user create --username "{{ item.name }}" \
    --password "{{ item.password }}" --email "{{ item.email }}" \
    --must-change-password={{ item.must_change_password }} --admin={{ item.admin }}'
  register: _gitearesult
    - '"successfully created" not in _gitearesult.stdout'
    - '"successfully created!" in _gitearesult.stdout'
  when: "_giteausers is defined and item.name not in _giteausers.stdout and item.state | default('present') == 'present'"
  loop: "{{ gitea_users }}"

- name: Use gitea cli to delete user
  become: true
  ansible.builtin.command: |
    su - {{ gitea_user }} -c \
    '{{ gitea_full_executable_path }} -c {{ gitea_configuration_path }}/gitea.ini \
    admin user delete --username "{{ item.name }}"'
  register: _giteadelresult
    - '"error" in _giteadelresult.stdout'
    "_giteausers is defined and item.name in _giteausers.stdout"
  when: "_giteausers is defined and item.name in _giteausers.stdout and item.state | default('present') == 'absent'"
  loop: "{{ gitea_users }}"