[![Ansible Galaxy](https://ansible.l3d.space/svg/l3d.etebase.svg)](https://galaxy.ansible.com/ui/standalone/roles/l3d/etebase/) [![MIT License](https://ansible.l3d.space/svg/l3d.etebase_license.svg)](LICENSE) [![Maintainance](https://ansible.l3d.space/svg/l3d.etebase_maintainance.svg)](https://ansible.l3d.space/#l3d.etebase) Ansible role EteBase - EteSync 2.0 Server Backend =================================================== Ansible role to Setup and Confugure Etebase - The Backend from [EteSync](https://www.etesync.com/) 2.0 -> [https://github.com/etesync/server](https://github.com/etesync/server.git). Details --------- This Ansible role installs and configures etebase, the backend of etesync. A piece of software to securely sync your contacts, calendars, tasks and notes! In this Ansible role, a separate user is created for etebase. The latest release of etebase is downloaded to the home of this user. A configuration is created. The specified Python dependencies are installed in a venv. And optionally etebase can be started automatically via a systemd service and uvicorn. This Ansible role does not create users in Etebase. And the configuration for the web server is not created either. More about this in the [Additional Information](#additional-information) section. Default Variables ----------- | variable | value | description | | -------- | ----- | ----------- | | etebase__user | ``etebase`` | The Unix User for etebase | | etebase__group | ``etebase`` | The Unix Group for etebase | | etebase__user_home | ``/var/lib/etebase`` | Etebase User Home | | etebase__shell | ``/bin/false`` | Default Shell of Etebase User | | etebase__venv_path | ``{{ etebase__user_home }}/venv`` | Etebase venv path | | etebase__socket | ``/tmp/etebase_server.sock`` | Etebase Socket path *(only if ``etebase__systemd_setup`` is set to ``true``)* | | etebase__package_state | ``present`` | Set to ``latest`` to upgrade all etebase required system and pip packages to the latest version | | etebase__version | ``latest`` | Etebase Release Tag | | etebase__secrets_dir | ``{{ etebase__user_home }}/secrets`` | Path to store etebase secrets | | etebase__collectstatic | ``true`` | Generate static files for etebase | | etebase__restart_webserver | ``false`` | Set to ``true`` to restart the webserver on config change *(etebase__systemd_setup needed)*| | etebase__webserver_service | ``nginx.service`` | Which systemd unit should be restartet for the webserver | | etebase__systemd_setup | ``false`` | Set to ``true`` to start etebase as systemd unit with the systemd socket configured above | | etebase__create_backup | ``false`` | Should this role create a backup before upgrading etebase | | etebase__backup_destionation | ``{{ etebase__user_home }}/backup`` | Destination directory for backup | | etebase__backup_sqlite | ``true`` | If we do a backup we could skipping the sqlite3 database by flipping this | | submodules_versioncheck | ``false`` | should we do a simple version check for this ansible role | Options for etebase-server.ini ------------------------------ | variable | value | description | | -------- | ----- | ----------- | | etebase__global_secret_file | ``{{ etebase__secrets_dir }}/secret.txt`` | path of secret.txt | etebase__global_debug | ``false`` | Set debug to true | | etebase__global_static_root | ``{{ etebase__user_home }}/static_root`` | Path of static root | | etebase__global_media_root | ``{{ etebase__user_home }}/media_root`` | Path for media | | etebase__global_extra | | Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[global]`` section of the config file | | etebase__allowed_hosts_allowed_host1 | ``*`` | The allowed Host for this etebase server | | etebase__allowed_hosts_extra | |Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[allowed_hosts]`` section of the config file | | etebase__database_engine | ``django.db.backends.sqlite3`` | Databse Engine | | etebase__database_name | ``{{ etebase__secrets_dir }}/etebase.db.sqlite3`` | Path of the sqlite3 database | | etebase__database_extra | | Variable for aditional parametet in the ``[database]`` section of the config file | | etebase__database_options_extra | | Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[database_options]`` section of the config file | | etebase__ldap_extra | | Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[ldap]`` section of the config file | | etebase__config_extra | |Variable for aditional parameter at the end of the config file | Additional Information ------------------------ You find more information about the webserver config at [github.com/etesync/server/wiki/Production-setup-using-Nginx](https://github.com/etesync/server/wiki/Production-setup-using-Nginx). Please remember the value you used for the ``etebase__socket`` variable, if you used this role to start the [uvicorn](https://www.uvicorn.org/) ASGI server via systemd. For this you have to set ``etebase__systemd_setup`` to ``true``. You have to create a admin User by yourself. To do this, log in manually as priviledged user, change to the ``etebase__user_home``. Enter the downloaded etebase code direcotory and run the ``python3 ./manage.py createsuperuser`` command in the venv: ```bash # go to etebase home cd /var/lib/etebase/ # change to latest etebase version ls -l etebase_* cd etebase_v0.10.0 # example versiom # enable latest venv ls -l /var/lib/etebase/venv source /var/lib/etebase/venv/v0.10.0/bin/activate # example version # create new superuser python3 ./manage.py createsuperuser ``` By the way, this role requires that the Ansible user be allowed to execute commands with sudo privileges. Example Playbook ------------------ ```yml --- - name: Install etebase server at example.com hosts: example.com roles: - {role: do1jlr.etebase, tags: etebase} vars: etebase__allowed_hosts_allowed_host1: 'example.com' etebase__systemd_setup: true submodules_versioncheck: true ``` ## Requirements The ``community.general`` collection is required for some parts of this ansible role. You can install it with this command: ```bash ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml --upgrade ``` Contributing -------------- Don't hesitate to open a issue or *(even better)* create a pull request.