This Ansible role installs and configures etebase, the backend of etesync. A piece of software to securely sync your contacts, calendars, tasks and notes!
In this Ansible role, a separate user is created for etebase. The latest release of etebase is downloaded to the home of this user. A configuration is created. The specified Python dependencies are installed in a venv. And optionally etebase can be started automatically via a systemd service and uvicorn.
What this Ansible role does not create are users in Etebase. And the configuration for the web server is not created either.
Default Variables
| variable | value | description |
| -------- | ----- | ----------- |
| etebase__user | 'etebase' | The Unix User for etebase |
| etebase__group | 'etebase' | The Unix Group for etebase |
| etebase__user_home | '/var/lib/etebase' | Etebase User Home |
| etebase__shell | '/bin/false' | Default Shell of Etebase User |
| etebase__database_name | "{{ etebase__secrets_dir }}/etebase.db.sqlite3" | Path of the sqlite3 database |
| etebase__database_extra | '' | Variable for aditional parametet in the ``[database]`` section of the config file |
| etebase__database_options_extra | '' | Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[database_options]`` section of the config file |
| etebase__ldap_extra | '' | Variable for aditional parameter in the ``[ldap]`` section of the config file |
| etebase__config_extra | '' |Variable for aditional parameter at the end of the config file |
Additional Information
You find more information about the webserver config at []( Please remember the value you used for the ``etebase__socket`` variable, if you used this role to start the [unicorn]( ASGI server via systemd. For this you have to set ``etebase__systemd_setup`` to ``true``.
You have to create a admin User by yourself. To do this, log in manually as priviledged user, change to the ``etebase__user_home``. Enter the downloaded etebase code direcotory and run the 'python3 ./ createsuperuser' command: