Currently this role is designed to work with the [do1jlr.nginx]( ansible role. Maybe there will be a standalone version of this role someday...
* We search the ``response-file.yml.j2`` using the [first_found_loopup]( with the following config:
This file is configuring the acmetool behaviour like certificate type, challange methode, acme notification email and so on. Change the values by providing your own ``response-file.yml.j2``.
* We search the ``reload`` and ``restart`` hook using the [first_found_loopup]( with the config defined in ``vars/main.yml``.
* We deploy the ``acme-reload`` and ``acme-restart`` configuration based on the ``acme_reload_services:`` and ``acme_restart_services:`` variables
If you are using debian buster, you are probably interested in a more up to date version of acmetool. Have a look at the [do1jlri.acmetool_fix]( role, that will install a specific version of acmetool on debian based systems.