import io = require('@actions/io'); import fs = require('fs'); import path = require('path'); import child_process = require('child_process'); const toolDir = path.join(__dirname, 'runner', 'tools'); const tempDir = path.join(__dirname, 'runner', 'temp'); const javaDir = path.join(__dirname, 'runner', 'java'); process.env['RUNNER_TOOLSDIRECTORY'] = toolDir; process.env['RUNNER_TEMPDIRECTORY'] = tempDir; import * as installer from '../src/installer'; let javaFilePath = ''; let javaUrl = ''; if (process.platform === 'win32') { javaFilePath = path.join(javaDir, ''); javaUrl = ''; } else if (process.platform === 'darwin') { javaFilePath = path.join(javaDir, 'java_mac.tar.gz'); javaUrl = ''; } else { javaFilePath = path.join(javaDir, 'java_linux.tar.gz'); javaUrl = ''; } describe('installer tests', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await io.rmRF(toolDir); await io.rmRF(tempDir); if (!fs.existsSync(`${javaFilePath}.complete`)) { // Download java await io.mkdirP(javaDir); console.log('Downloading java'); child_process.execSync(`curl "${javaUrl}" > "${javaFilePath}"`); // Write complete file so we know it was successful fs.writeFileSync(`${javaFilePath}.complete`, 'content'); } }, 300000); afterAll(async () => { try { await io.rmRF(toolDir); await io.rmRF(tempDir); } catch { console.log('Failed to remove test directories'); } }, 100000); it('Acquires version of Java if no matching version is installed', async () => { await installer.getJava('12', 'x64', javaFilePath); const JavaDir = path.join(toolDir, 'Java', '12.0.0', 'x64'); expect(fs.existsSync(`${JavaDir}.complete`)).toBe(true); expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(JavaDir, 'bin'))).toBe(true); }, 100000); it('Throws if invalid directory to jdk', async () => { let thrown = false; try { await installer.getJava('1000', 'x64', 'bad path'); } catch { thrown = true; } expect(thrown).toBe(true); }); it('Uses version of Java installed in cache', async () => { const JavaDir: string = path.join(toolDir, 'Java', '250.0.0', 'x64'); await io.mkdirP(JavaDir); fs.writeFileSync(`${JavaDir}.complete`, 'hello'); // This will throw if it doesn't find it in the cache (because no such version exists) await installer.getJava( '250', 'x64', 'path shouldnt matter, found in cache' ); return; }); it('Doesnt use version of Java that was only partially installed in cache', async () => { const JavaDir: string = path.join(toolDir, 'Java', '251.0.0', 'x64'); await io.mkdirP(JavaDir); let thrown = false; try { // This will throw if it doesn't find it in the cache (because no such version exists) await installer.getJava('251', 'x64', 'bad path'); } catch { thrown = true; } expect(thrown).toBe(true); return; }); });