import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as httpm from '@actions/http-client'; import * as semver from 'semver'; const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32'; const IS_DARWIN = process.platform === 'darwin'; const IS_LINUX = process.platform === 'linux'; const storageUrl = ''; let tempDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || ''; if (!tempDirectory) { let baseLocation; if (IS_WINDOWS) { baseLocation = process.env['USERPROFILE'] || 'C:\\'; } else { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { baseLocation = '/Users'; } else { baseLocation = '/home'; } } tempDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'temp'); } export async function getFlutter( version: string, channel: string ): Promise { const versionPart = version.split('.'); if (versionPart[1] == null || versionPart[2] == null) { version = version.concat('.x'); } version = await determineVersion(version, channel); let cleanver = `${version.replace('+', '-')}-${channel}`; let toolPath = tc.find('flutter', cleanver); if (toolPath) { core.debug(`Tool found in cache ${toolPath}`); } else { core.debug('Downloading Flutter from Google storage'); const downloadInfo = getDownloadInfo(version, channel); const sdkFile = await tc.downloadTool(downloadInfo.url); let tempDir: string = generateTempDir(); const sdkDir = await extractDownload(sdkFile, tempDir); core.debug(`Flutter sdk extracted to ${sdkDir}`); toolPath = await tc.cacheDir(sdkDir, 'flutter', cleanver); } core.exportVariable('FLUTTER_HOME', toolPath); core.addPath(path.join(toolPath, 'bin')); core.addPath(path.join(toolPath, 'bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin')); } function osName(): string { if (IS_DARWIN) return 'macos'; if (IS_WINDOWS) return 'windows'; return process.platform; } function extName(): string { if (IS_LINUX) return 'tar.xz'; return 'zip'; } function getDownloadInfo( version: string, channel: string ): {version: string; url: string} { const os = osName(); const ext = extName(); const url = `${storageUrl}/${channel}/${os}/flutter_${os}_v${version}-${channel}.${ext}`; return { version, url }; } function generateTempDir(): string { return path.join( tempDirectory, 'temp_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000000) ); } async function extractDownload( sdkFile: string, destDir: string ): Promise { await io.mkdirP(destDir); const sdkPath = path.normalize(sdkFile); const stats = fs.statSync(sdkPath); if (stats.isFile()) { await extractFile(sdkFile, destDir); const sdkDir = path.join(destDir, fs.readdirSync(destDir)[0]); return sdkDir; } else { throw new Error(`Flutter sdk argument ${sdkFile} is not a file`); } } async function extractFile(file: string, destDir: string): Promise { const stats = fs.statSync(file); if (!stats) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract ${file} - it doesn't exist`); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract ${file} - it is a directory`); } if ('tar.xz' === extName()) { await tc.extractTar(file, destDir, 'x'); } else { await tc.extractZip(file, destDir); } } async function determineVersion( version: string, channel: string ): Promise { if (version.endsWith('.x') || version === '') { return await getLatestVersion(version, channel); } return version; } interface IFlutterChannel { [key: string]: string; beta: string; dev: string; stable: string; } interface IFlutterRelease { hash: string; channel: string; version: string; } interface IFlutterStorage { current_release: IFlutterChannel; releases: IFlutterRelease[]; } async function getLatestVersion( version: string, channel: string ): Promise { const releasesUrl: string = `${storageUrl}/releases_${osName()}.json`; const http: httpm.HttpClient = new httpm.HttpClient('flutter-action'); const storage: IFlutterStorage | null = ( await http.getJson(releasesUrl) ).result; if (!storage) { throw new Error('unable to get latest version'); } if (version.endsWith('.x')) { const sver = version.slice(0, version.length - 2); const releases = storage.releases.filter( release => release.version.startsWith(`v${sver}`) && === channel ); const versions = => release.version.slice(1, release.version.length) ); const sortedVersions = versions.sort(semver.rcompare); core.debug( `latest version of ${version} from channel ${channel} is ${sortedVersions[0]}` ); return sortedVersions[0]; } const channelVersion = storage.releases.find( release => release.hash === storage.current_release[channel] ); if (!channelVersion) { throw new Error(`unable to get latest version from channel ${channel}`); } let cver = channelVersion.version; cver = cver.slice(1, cver.length); core.debug(`latest version from channel ${channel} is ${cver}`); return cver; }