#!/bin/bash OS_NAME=$(echo "$RUNNER_OS" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') MANIFEST_BASE_URL="https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases" MANIFEST_URL="${MANIFEST_BASE_URL}/releases_${OS_NAME}.json" # convert version like 2.5.x to 2.5 normalize_version() { if [[ $1 == *x ]]; then echo ${1::-2} else echo $1 fi } latest_version() { jq --arg channel "$1" '.releases | map(select(.channel==$channel)) | first' } wildcard_version() { if [[ $1 == any ]]; then jq --arg version "^$2" '.releases | map(select(.version | test($version))) | first' else jq --arg channel "$1" --arg version "^$2" '.releases | map(select(.channel==$channel) | select(.version | test($version))) | first' fi } get_version() { if [[ -z $2 ]]; then latest_version $1 else wildcard_version $1 $2 fi } get_version_manifest() { releases_manifest=$(curl --silent --connect-timeout 15 --retry 5 $MANIFEST_URL) version_manifest=$(echo $releases_manifest | get_version $1 $(normalize_version $2)) if [[ $version_manifest == null ]]; then # fallback through legacy version format echo $releases_manifest | wildcard_version $1 "v$(normalize_version $2)" else echo $version_manifest fi } download_archive() { archive_url="$MANIFEST_BASE_URL/$1" archive_name=$(basename $1) archive_local="$HOME/$archive_name" curl --connect-timeout 15 --retry 5 $archive_url >$archive_local if [[ $archive_name == *zip ]]; then unzip -o "$archive_local" -d "$2" else tar xf "$archive_local" -C "$2" fi rm $archive_local } CHANNEL="$1" VERSION="$2" if [[ $CHANNEL == master ]]; then git clone -b master https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git "$RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/flutter" else VERSION_MANIFEST=$(get_version_manifest $CHANNEL $VERSION) if [[ $VERSION_MANIFEST == null ]]; then echo "Unable to determine Flutter version for $CHANNEL $VERSION" exit 1 fi ARCHIVE_PATH=$(echo $VERSION_MANIFEST | jq -r '.archive') download_archive "$ARCHIVE_PATH" "$RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE" fi if [[ $OS_NAME == windows ]]; then FLUTTER_ROOT="${RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE}\\flutter" PUBCACHE="${USERPROFILE}\\.pub-cache" else FLUTTER_ROOT="${RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE}/flutter" PUBCACHE="${HOME}/.pub-cache" fi echo "FLUTTER_ROOT=${FLUTTER_ROOT}" >>$GITHUB_ENV echo "PUB_CACHE=${PUBCACHE}" >>$GITHUB_ENV echo "${FLUTTER_ROOT}/bin" >>$GITHUB_PATH echo "${FLUTTER_ROOT}/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin" >>$GITHUB_PATH echo "${PUBCACHE}/bin" >>$GITHUB_PATH