#!/bin/bash set -eu check_command() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null } printf "hello from setup.sh\n" 1>&2 if ! check_command jq; then echo "jq not found. Install it from https://stedolan.github.io/jq" exit 1 fi OS_NAME=$(echo "$RUNNER_OS" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') ARCH_NAME=$(echo "$RUNNER_ARCH" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') MANIFEST_BASE_URL="https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases" MANIFEST_JSON_PATH="releases_$OS_NAME.json" MANIFEST_URL="$MANIFEST_BASE_URL/$MANIFEST_JSON_PATH" filter_by_channel() { jq --arg channel "$1" '[.releases[] | select($channel == "any" or .channel == $channel)]' } filter_by_arch() { jq --arg arch "$1" '[.[] | select(.dart_sdk_arch == $arch or ($arch == "x64" and (has("dart_sdk_arch") | not)))]' } filter_by_version() { jq --arg version "$1" '.[].version |= gsub("^v"; "") | (if $version == "any" then .[0] else (map(select(.version == $version or (.version | startswith(($version | sub("\\.x$"; "")) + ".")) and .version != $version)) | .[0]) end)' } not_found_error() { echo "Unable to determine Flutter version for channel: $1 version: $2 architecture: $3" } transform_path() { if [ "$OS_NAME" = windows ]; then echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^\///' -e 's/\//\\/g' else echo "$1" fi } download_archive() { archive_url="$MANIFEST_BASE_URL/$1" archive_name=$(basename "$1") archive_local="$RUNNER_TEMP/$archive_name" curl --connect-timeout 15 --retry 5 "$archive_url" >"$archive_local" mkdir -p "$2" case "$archive_name" in *.zip) EXTRACT_PATH="$RUNNER_TEMP/_unzip_temp" unzip -q -o "$archive_local" -d "$EXTRACT_PATH" # Remove the folder again so that the move command can do a simple rename # instead of moving the content into the target folder. # This is a little bit of a hack since the "mv --no-target-directory" # linux option is not available here rm -r "$2" mv "$EXTRACT_PATH"/flutter "$2" rm -r "$EXTRACT_PATH" ;; *) tar xf "$archive_local" -C "$2" --strip-components=1 ;; esac rm "$archive_local" } CACHE_PATH="" CACHE_KEY="" PUB_CACHE_PATH="" PUB_CACHE_KEY="" PRINT_ONLY="" TEST_MODE=false ARCH="" VERSION="" VERSION_FILE="" while getopts 'tc:k:d:l:pa:n:f:' flag; do case "$flag" in c) CACHE_PATH="$OPTARG" ;; k) CACHE_KEY="$OPTARG" ;; d) PUB_CACHE_PATH="$OPTARG" ;; l) PUB_CACHE_KEY="$OPTARG" ;; p) PRINT_ONLY=true ;; t) TEST_MODE=true ;; a) ARCH="$(echo "$OPTARG" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" ;; n) VERSION="$OPTARG" ;; f) VERSION_FILE="$OPTARG" if [ -n "$VERSION_FILE" ] && ! check_command yq; then echo "yq not found. Install it from https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq" exit 1 fi ;; ?) exit 2 ;; esac done [ -z "$ARCH" ] && ARCH="$ARCH_NAME" if [ -n "$VERSION_FILE" ]; then if [ -n "$VERSION" ]; then echo "Cannot specify both a version and a version file" 1>&2 exit 1 fi VERSION="$(yq '.environment.flutter' "$VERSION_FILE")" fi ARR_CHANNEL=("${@:$OPTIND:1}") CHANNEL="${ARR_CHANNEL[0]:-}" [ -z "$CHANNEL" ] && CHANNEL=stable [ -z "$VERSION" ] && VERSION=any [ -z "$ARCH" ] && ARCH=x64 [ -z "$CACHE_PATH" ] && CACHE_PATH="$RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/flutter/:channel:-:version:-:arch:" [ -z "$CACHE_KEY" ] && CACHE_KEY="flutter-:os:-:channel:-:version:-:arch:-:hash:" [ -z "$PUB_CACHE_KEY" ] && PUB_CACHE_KEY="flutter-pub-:os:-:channel:-:version:-:arch:-:hash:" [ -z "$PUB_CACHE_PATH" ] && PUB_CACHE_PATH="default" # `PUB_CACHE` is what Dart and Flutter looks for in the environment, while # `PUB_CACHE_PATH` is passed in from the action. # # If `PUB_CACHE` is set already, then it should continue to be used. Otherwise, satisfy it # if the action requests a custom path, or set to the Dart default values depending # on the operating system. if [ -z "${PUB_CACHE:-}" ]; then if [ "$PUB_CACHE_PATH" != "default" ]; then PUB_CACHE="$PUB_CACHE_PATH" elif [ "$OS_NAME" = "windows" ]; then PUB_CACHE="$LOCALAPPDATA\\Pub\\Cache" else PUB_CACHE="$HOME/.pub-cache" fi fi if [ "$TEST_MODE" = true ]; then RELEASE_MANIFEST=$(cat "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/test/$MANIFEST_JSON_PATH") else RELEASE_MANIFEST=$(curl --silent --connect-timeout 15 --retry 5 "$MANIFEST_URL") fi if [ "$CHANNEL" = "master" ] || [ "$CHANNEL" = "main" ]; then VERSION_MANIFEST="{\"channel\":\"$CHANNEL\",\"version\":\"$VERSION\",\"dart_sdk_arch\":\"$ARCH\",\"hash\":\"$CHANNEL\",\"sha256\":\"$CHANNEL\"}" else VERSION_MANIFEST=$(echo "$RELEASE_MANIFEST" | filter_by_channel "$CHANNEL" | filter_by_arch "$ARCH" | filter_by_version "$VERSION") fi case "$VERSION_MANIFEST" in *null*) not_found_error "$CHANNEL" "$VERSION" "$ARCH" exit 1 ;; esac expand_key() { version_channel=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.channel') version_version=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.version') version_arch=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.dart_sdk_arch // "x64"') version_hash=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.hash') version_sha_256=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.sha256') expanded_key="${1/:channel:/$version_channel}" expanded_key="${expanded_key/:version:/$version_version}" expanded_key="${expanded_key/:arch:/$version_arch}" expanded_key="${expanded_key/:hash:/$version_hash}" expanded_key="${expanded_key/:sha256:/$version_sha_256}" expanded_key="${expanded_key/:os:/$OS_NAME}" echo "$expanded_key" } CACHE_KEY=$(expand_key "$CACHE_KEY") PUB_CACHE_KEY=$(expand_key "$PUB_CACHE_KEY") CACHE_PATH=$(expand_key "$(transform_path "$CACHE_PATH")") if [ "$PRINT_ONLY" = true ]; then version_info=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -j '.channel,":",.version,":",.dart_sdk_arch // "x64"') info_channel=$(echo "$version_info" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') info_version=$(echo "$version_info" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}') info_architecture=$(echo "$version_info" | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') if [ "$TEST_MODE" = true ]; then echo "CHANNEL=$info_channel" echo "VERSION=$info_version" # VERSION_FILE is not printed, because it is essentially same as VERSION echo "ARCHITECTURE=$info_architecture" echo "CACHE-KEY=$CACHE_KEY" echo "CACHE-PATH=$CACHE_PATH" echo "PUB-CACHE-KEY=$PUB_CACHE_KEY" echo "PUB-CACHE-PATH=$PUB_CACHE" exit 0 fi { echo "CHANNEL=$info_channel" echo "VERSION=$info_version" # VERSION_FILE is not printed, because it is essentially same as VERSION echo "ARCHITECTURE=$info_architecture" echo "CACHE-KEY=$CACHE_KEY" echo "CACHE-PATH=$CACHE_PATH" echo "PUB-CACHE-KEY=$PUB_CACHE_KEY" echo "PUB-CACHE-PATH=$PUB_CACHE" } >>"${GITHUB_OUTPUT:-/dev/null}" exit 0 fi if [ ! -x "$CACHE_PATH/bin/flutter" ]; then if [ "$CHANNEL" = "master" ] || [ "$CHANNEL" = "main" ]; then git clone -b "$CHANNEL" https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git "$CACHE_PATH" if [ "$VERSION" != "any" ]; then git config --global --add safe.directory "$CACHE_PATH" (cd "$CACHE_PATH" && git checkout "$VERSION") fi else archive_url=$(echo "$VERSION_MANIFEST" | jq -r '.archive') download_archive "$archive_url" "$CACHE_PATH" fi fi { echo "FLUTTER_ROOT=$CACHE_PATH" echo "PUB_CACHE=$PUB_CACHE" } >>"${GITHUB_ENV:-/dev/null}" { echo "$CACHE_PATH/bin" echo "$CACHE_PATH/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin" echo "$PUB_CACHE/bin" } >>"${GITHUB_PATH:-/dev/null}"